Extended Range Lasers

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Extended Range Lasers, or ERLs, are an upgraded version of Standard Lasers which have a range advantage compared to other laser weapons.


Extended Range Lasers are effective at greater range than Standard Lasers, however they produce noticeably more heat, which can cause problems for units that mount many energy weapons and especially in environments with a higher ambient temperature. Like any other laser weapon system, ER Laser's deal damage over the burn time (0.5s), requiring the beam to be maintained on the target (or better, the same location on the target) for the duration.

The Clan versions of ER Lasers's have slightly improved range and noticeably improved damage, but also produce significantly more waste heat.

Weapon Stats

Weapon Max
Beam Duration Hit Damage/Shot Damage
Speed Heat
ERSL 400m 0.5s 160 Energy 20 56 Hitscan 19
ERML 600m 280 13.3 66 47
ERLL 800m 560 10 98 115
CERSL 450m 0.5s 200 Energy 20 70 28
CERML 700m 400 13.3 94 75
CERLL 900m 700 10 123 177
Air ERSL 500m 0.5s 160 Energy-air 20 65 19
Air ERML 650m 280 13.3 76 47
Air ERLL 800m 560 10 98 115
Air CERSL 550m 0.5s 200 Energy-air 20 82 28
Air CERML 750m 400 13.3 109 75
Air CERLL 900m 700 10 123 177
All stats are current as of release 0.14.10

Gameplay & Hints

Extended Range Small and Medium Lasers

ER Small Lasers and ER Medium Lasers are still best used as short to mid-range weapons, focusing damage upon a single component, or raking across critically damaged sections. Unlike its Inner Sphere counterpart, the Clan ERML has the range to be used in medium- to intermediate-range engagements. The additional range and damage make for quite a significant boost in performance. Stricter trigger discipline is required with the ERML, as sustained firing (despite consistent, efficient damage for its mass) produces much higher heat loads. While units packing large groups of ERML are frightening to face, they produce an equally frightening amount of heat to be dissipated, and as such may only get one or two bursts off before nearing shutdown. Chain firing or non-standard weapon groupings can help mitigate this issue, however. Similar traits and pilot discipline correspond to both the IS and Clan ERSL, however to lower degrees due to their considerably lower heat and damage outputs.

Extended Range Large Laser

The ER Large Laser is best used in sniping positions, where a unit can more safely pick away at enemy units and is given more time to dissipate the intense heat generated when firing the weapon. While the Inner Sphere ERLL lacks some of the range and punch of its Clan counterpart, it is more efficient heatwise and should not be underestimated. In contrast, few units can fire more than two CERLL at once due to the massive heat load generated, though this does not account for factors such as ambient temperature.


Newhart Industries located on New Earth in Terran Hegemony introduced the ERLBL in 2620. The ERLBL became the central focus of the HSR-200-D Hussar BattleMech released five years later, and the success of the 'Mech's blend of speed and its single powerful weapon entrenched Newhart Industries as one of the principle weapon manufacturers of the Terran Hegemony.

Although the Succession Wars would cause the Inner Sphere to lose the technology in 2950, the Clans applied the concept to other laser sizes and produced the ERMBL and ERSBL during the 2820's. Clan Smoke Jaguar would later also introduce he ER Micro Beam Laser in 3060 as part of their ProtoMech project, just before being annihilated in Operation Bulldog.

As with all lost Star League-era technology, plans for the ERLBL were recovered in the Inner Sphere with the discovery of the Helm Core and the weapon entered wide deployment in Inner Sphere forces first with the Draconis Combine in 3037. Later, after contact with the Clans, the Inner Sphere would also develop their own versions of the ERMBL and ERSBL, with the Free Worlds League releasing the first ones in 3058.

Clan ER Lasers have both improved range and deal more damage then the Inner Sphere versions of the weapons.

BT - TechManual reference pg 226

BattleTech reference


The following assets equip ER Lasers:

Asset Type Faction Tons (c)ERSL (c)ERML (c)ERLL Air (c)ERSL Air (c)ERML Air (c)ERLL
Commando Prime Mech IS 25 3
Commando E Mech IS 25 2
Locust IIC Prime Mech CL 25 5
Locust IIC B Mech CL 25 1
Locust IIC C Mech CL 25 1
Locust IIC D Mech CL 25 2
Locust IIC G Mech CL 25 2
Solitaire B Mech CL 25 1
Solitaire D Mech CL 25 3
Solitaire E Mech CL 25 3
Anubis Prime Mech IS 30 3
Anubis G Mech IS 30 5
Osiris Prime Mech IS 30 4
Osiris E Mech IS 30 2
Osiris F Mech IS 30 6
Uller Prime Mech CL 30 2 1
Uller A Mech CL 30 2
Uller B Mech CL 30 3
Uller D Mech CL 30 2
Uller G Mech CL 30 2
Cougar C Mech CL 35 2
Cougar E Mech CL 35 3
Cougar G Mech CL 35 2
Owens G Mech IS 35 1
Puma B Mech CL 35 3
Puma C Mech CL 35 6
Puma E Mech CL 35 4
Puma F Mech CL 35 1
Raven C Mech IS 35 2
Raven D Mech IS 35 1 1
Chimera Prime Mech IS 40 2 1
Chimera A Mech IS 40 2
Chimera F Mech IS 40 2 2
Chimera G Mech IS 40 2 2
HollanderII Prime Mech IS 45 2
HollanderII G Mech IS 45 2
Shadowcat Prime Mech CL 45 2
Shadowcat A Mech CL 45 3
Shadowcat F Mech CL 45 1
Hellhound Prime Mech CL 50 2
Hellhound B Mech CL 50 3
Hellhound E Mech CL 50 2
Hellhound F Mech CL 50 3
Uziel D Mech IS 50 3 2
Uziel E Mech IS 50 2
Blacklanner Prime Mech CL 55 2 1
Blacklanner A Mech CL 55 2
Blacklanner C Mech CL 55 4
Bushwacker Prime Mech IS 55 1
Bushwacker A Mech IS 55 1
Stormcrow Prime Mech CL 55 3 2
Stormcrow B Mech CL 55 3
Stormcrow C Mech CL 55 4 2
Stormcrow E Mech CL 55 2
Stormcrow G Mech CL 55 1 1
Argus Prime Mech IS 60 3 2
Argus A Mech IS 60 2 2
Argus E Mech IS 60 1
Argus F Mech IS 60 2
Rifleman Prime Mech IS 60 2 2
Rifleman B Mech IS 60 4
Rifleman E Mech IS 60 4
Vulture C Mech CL 60 3
Vulture D Mech CL 60 2
Vulture E Mech CL 60 2
Catapult Prime Mech IS 65 2
Catapult B Mech IS 65 4
Catapult F Mech IS 65 4
Catapult G Mech IS 65 2
Cauldronborn Prime Mech CL 65 2
Cauldronborn A Mech CL 65 2
Cauldronborn B Mech CL 65 2
Cauldronborn C Mech CL 65 2
Cauldronborn D Mech CL 65 4
Cauldronborn E Mech CL 65 2
Cauldronborn F Mech CL 65 2
Loki Prime Mech CL 65 3
Loki A Mech CL 65 1
Loki E Mech CL 65 2
Loki F Mech CL 65 3
Loki G Mech CL 65 2
Avatar A Mech IS 70 2
Avatar B Mech IS 70 5 3
Avatar F Mech IS 70 3
Avatar G Mech IS 70 2
Novacat Prime Mech CL 70 3
Novacat A Mech CL 70 3
Novacat C Mech CL 70 2
Thor A Mech CL 70 1 1
Thor F Mech CL 70 3
Warhammer B Mech IS 70 2
Warhammer E Mech IS 70 2
Madcat Prime Mech CL 75 2 2
Madcat B Mech CL 75 4 2
Marauder Prime Mech IS 75 4
Marauder A Mech IS 75 2
Marauder B Mech IS 75 4
Marauder F Mech IS 75 4 2
Thanatos Prime Mech IS 75 2 2
Thanatos A Mech IS 75 4
Thanatos B Mech IS 75 1
Thanatos F Mech IS 75 2 2
Thanatos G Mech IS 75 2
Awesome A Mech IS 80 3
Masakari A Mech CL 85 2 2
Masakari B Mech CL 85 4
Masakari F Mech CL 85 4
Masakari G Mech CL 85 2
Bloodasp A Mech CL 90 2
Bloodasp C Mech CL 90 4 2
Bloodasp D Mech CL 90 6
MadCatMKII Prime Mech CL 90 2 2
MadCatMKII A Mech CL 90 4
MadCatMKII C Mech CL 90 2
Mauler Prime Mech IS 90 2
Mauler A Mech IS 90 2
Mauler F Mech IS 90 2
Mauler G Mech IS 90 4
Sunder Prime Mech IS 90 2
Sunder D Mech IS 90 2
Sunder F Mech IS 90 3
Archangel Prime Mech IS 100 1
Archangel A Mech IS 100 3
Archangel C Mech IS 100 3
Atlas Prime Mech IS 100 2
Atlas E Mech IS 100 1 2
Daishi Prime Mech CL 100 4
Daishi B Mech CL 100 4
Daishi F Mech CL 100 4
Fafnir Prime Mech IS 100 2
Kodiak Prime Mech CL 100 6
Kodiak C Mech CL 100 1
Kodiak E Mech CL 100 2
Kodiak F Mech CL 100 8
Mithras Prime Vehicle CL 25 2
Mithras D Vehicle CL 25 2
Hephaestus C Vehicle CL 30 1 1
Hephaestus G Vehicle CL 30 2
Chevalier B Vehicle IS 35 1
Ares Prime Vehicle CL 40 1
Ares A Vehicle CL 40 3
Ares F Vehicle CL 40 1
Goblin C Vehicle IS 45 1
Goblin F Vehicle IS 45 3
Regulator D Vehicle IS 45 2
Regulator F Vehicle IS 45 3
Epona B Vehicle CL 50 4
Epona C Vehicle CL 50 2
Oro Prime Vehicle CL 60 2
Oro A Vehicle CL 60 2
Oro F Vehicle CL 60 1
Oro G Vehicle CL 60 2
Shoden B Vehicle CL 70 2
Shoden D Vehicle CL 70 2
Shoden F Vehicle CL 70 3
Morrigu Prime Vehicle CL 80 3
Huitzilopochtli A Vehicle CL 85 2
Huitzilopochtli C Vehicle CL 85 6
Behemoth G Vehicle IS 100 3
Mars Prime Vehicle CL 100 1
Mars A Vehicle CL 100 2 3
Mars B Vehicle CL 100 2
Mars C Vehicle CL 100 2
Mars D Vehicle CL 100 1
Mars E Vehicle CL 100 4
Donar Prime VTOL CL 25 1
Donar A VTOL CL 25 2
Donar B VTOL CL 25 3
Hawkmoth G VTOL IS 25 4
SparrowHawk B ASF IS 30 4
SparrowHawk C ASF IS 30 2
Avar Prime ASF CL 35 2 1
Avar C ASF CL 35 2
Avar G ASF CL 35 2
Sulla Prime ASF CL 45 2
Sulla E ASF CL 45 2
Sulla F ASF CL 45 3
Sulla G ASF CL 45 2
Corsair Prime ASF IS 50 2 2 2
Corsair G ASF IS 50 2
Visigoth Prime ASF CL 60 3
Visigoth C ASF CL 60 2
Visigoth F ASF CL 60 3
Rusalka Prime ASF IS 65 4
Rusalka C ASF IS 65 4
Rusalka E ASF IS 65 2
Shiva Prime ASF IS 85 3
Shiva G ASF IS 85 4
Xerxes Prime ASF CL 85 2
Xerxes A ASF CL 85 2 2
Xerxes E ASF CL 85 4
Xerxes G ASF CL 85 2 2
All stats are current as of release 0.14.10