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Catapult spin.gif
Class: Heavy Mech
Faction: Inner Sphere
Ticket cost: 7 upon destruction
Tier: 9
Tonnage: 65 tons
Speed: 64 km/h
Torso yaw: 200°
Torso pitch: -35° to +40° while standing
-35° to +50° while crouching
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
Price: 71 600 CBills
Total armor: 58 010
Engine Size: Magna 260 XL
Price: 80 050 CBills
Total armor: 56 430
Engine Size: Magna 260 XL
Price: 60 900 CBills
Total armor: 51 694
Engine Size: Magna 260 XL
Price: 70 700 CBills
Total armor: 48 538
Engine Size: Magna 260 XL
Price: 78 900 CBills
Total armor: 54 853
Engine Size: Magna 260 XL
Price: 66 400 CBills
Total armor: 51 694
Engine Size: Magna 260 XL
Price: 72 400 CBills
Total armor: 51 694
Engine Size: Magna 260 XL
Price: 84 700 CBills
Total armor: 55 093
Engine Size: Magna 260 XL
Armor Points Distribution

All stats current as of release 0.17.4

The Catapult is an iconic Inner Sphere Heavy Mech that focuses almost entirely on sustained long-range fire. It is easily identified by the large egg-shaped torso. Normally armed with large Missile racks and smaller weapons for self defense, the Catapult is a premier Missile Boater. With most variants equipped with Jump Jets, Active Radar Probes, and LAMS, the Catapult can poptart effectively as well, and enjoys limited protection against enemy counter-battery fire. Sacrificing speed for armor and extra room for ammo, the Catapult can stay on station for a long time, providing long-range support to its teammates while being tough enough to survive against moderate threats.

Roles and Gameplay Hints


The Catapult Prime is a classic Missile Boat. Carrying 4 LRM10s with 12 tons armor, and equipped with GECM, EOptics and Improved Jumpjets, the Prime variant can bombard enemy units non-stop, 100 meters out to over an kilometer, forcing them to take cover or risk suffering debilitating damage. An additional armament of 2 ERSLs & 2 MLs allows the Catapult Prime to defend against Light Mechs or Vehicles that sneak up on it, as well as giving it anti Battle Armor capabilities thanks to its B-Pod. 6 DHS means pilots will be able to keep up their bombardment for some time with less concern on heat. One who is after an missile boat shouldn't skip past this one.

Variant A

The A variant departs from the standard long-range, missile-heavy configuration that the other variants employ, and instead mounts an array of 2 ERPPCs and quad LBX2s, giving it impressive capabilities as a extreme- to long-range direct fire-support Mech. The extra tons of space normally used as ammo for Missile racks are replaced by 6 Double Heat Sinks, giving the Catapult A greatly increased heat management capability, Beagle Active Probe for improved sensor range and extra ton of armor. 2 ERPPCs provide the primary punch, hitting hard and disorienting enemy pilots, while 4 LBX2s allow the A variant to continue pouring fire into targets while waiting for the PPCs to recharge. A single LAMS helps the Catapult A mitigate some missile damage. Because the Catapult A has no large, obvious missile racks, it has a much smaller profile, as its weapons are all clustered around the Center Torso. The net result closely mimics an overgrown Raven C with Improved Jump Jets.

Variant B

The Catapult B mounts 2 MRM30s as its primary arsenal, giving it impressive close- to mid-range firepower that can shred through nearly any target in just a few salvos. While the MRM30s can hit up to 650m away, their effectiveness tends to drop off dramatically as range increases. 4 ERSLs make effective weapons for dealing with lighter enemy assets, and when coupled with the MRMs make the Catapult B very effective against enemy Battle Armor. 6 Single Heat Sinks can somewhat manage the heat generated by the MRM30s, and while the B variant has 2 free tons, ammo can still become a serious concern. This variant does not mount LAMS or an Active Radar Probe, but keeps the Improved Jumpjets, making it somewhat less adaptable than the other Catapult variants.

Variant C - "Cringe"

Often referred to as the "Arrowpult" by many pilots, Cringe mounts 2 massive ArrowIV launchers with 2 free tons for ammo. This limited loadout allows the Catapult C to deal immense long-range damage. When coupled with a friendly NARC or TAG equipped unit, the Cringe can decimate targets up to 4km (4300m) away. Sporting only 2 SLs and 2 MGuns as backup weapons, the tradeoff for this incredibly long-ranged, devastating loadout is a lack of any appreciable close to mid-range self-defense. This makes the Cringe a poor choice in many Terrain Control matches where capturing posts and staying close to allies is important. The Cringe also suffers heat management problems, as the ArrowIV launchers and JJs can generate quite a lot of excess heat that its 3 DHS have a tough time keeping up with. Mechwarriors should consider chain-firing the Arrow launchers to better manage their massive heat spikes. Other mechs are capable of jump sniping, the Cringe definitely isn't, due to the heat and the ArrowIV's long lock on time. The C's jump jets are mostly just for maneuvering and acquiring better vantage points to rain down ArrowIVs on one's enemies.

Variant D

The Catapult D, much like its brother the Catapult B, trades long-range standoff firepower for short range brawling muscle. This muscle is in the form of 4 SRM6 and 2 SRM2 launchers, which deal very high damage while simultaneously inflicting severe cockpit shake. Paired with 2 MPLs, the Catapult D can brawl with the best of them, forcibly throwing off enemy aim and shredding armor while keeping up stable laser fire. Improved Jumpjets gives it some much needed mobility. 4 DHS let the D variant maintain this barrage for a decent amount of time before overheating, while 4 free tons also allow it to carry extra reloads for each SRM6 launcher. Finally, a single LAMS helps the Catapult D mitigate some missile damage, as its somewhat slow top speed and limited amount of armor won't let it stand up to long range enemy fire for very long.

Variant E

The E variant is a slightly more long-range focused version of the Catapult Prime. Its missile systems have been upgraded to 2 ELRM15s, allowing the Catapult E to lock and fire its missiles out to a maximum range of 1500m, 500m more than standard LRMs. The E variant swaps its standard medium lasers for 4 AC2s, which, while slightly lowering its close range firepower, still allow it to defend against light assets and Battle Armor without further burdening its two Single Heat Sinks. It also has 4 free tons, which it can use to carry 2 reloads for each launcher. Finally, along with the standard Prime equipment loadout of EOptics and JJs, the Catapult E also carries a BHP, which pushes its active radar range out to 1400m.

Variant F

The Catapult F packs a mean punch. Duo of Tbolt15 can ruin ones day, but 4 extra tons of missiles will keep F in the field only for a while, as there are only 7 Tbolt15's per ton of ammo. Despite impressive amount of 4 Extended Range Medium Lasers, this Catapult is mostly an artillery unit that can defend itself, should it come to knife fighting. Lack of TAG means either standing 750m and closer for warheads to acquire lock on, or dumbfiring those angry mumblebees at greater distances if getting closer is not recommended for long and healthy life. Helping hand from skilled Tagger is also viable option. 4 double heat sinks are enough to prevent overheat in most situations, as Standard Jump Jets are not as taxing either.

Variant G

The Catapult G is a direct fire variant focused on mid-ranged combat. Two Binary Laser Cannons provide great burst damage with a multiplier against tanks and ASF. Twin LAC5s follow up with a solid punch for minimal heat. The two SXPLs serve as backup at close-range, but it may be a better move to twist, cool down, and cycle the main weapons. iJJs can help dodge into cover after firing an alpha strike, especially since the 8 DHS dissipate faster at high heat.


The Catapult is an offense oriented, second-line fire-support BattleMech initially produced on a limited contract for the Terran Hegemony. Representing Hollis Incorporated's first foray into the 'Mech market, the Catapult was produced in record numbers over its initial three-year period from the company's brand-new, state-of-the-art factory. Designed as a fire support Mech by the Star League, the Catapult is not as fast as other Heavy Mechs, but does feature decent Jump Jet capabilities. This allows it to gain the high ground, unleashing it's long-range missiles on hapless foes below.

Date Introduced 2561 during the Era known as "Age of War" (2398 - 2570) - Unit Role: Missile Boat

BattleTech Reference
