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Daishi spin.gif
Class: Assault Mech
Faction: Clan
Ticket cost: 17 upon destruction
Tier: 16
Tonnage: 100 tons
Speed: 54 km/h
Torso yaw: 180°
Torso pitch: -25° to +35° while standing
-25° to +45° while crouching
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
Price: 149 700 CBills
Total armor: 92 394
Engine Size: Starfire 300 XL
Price: 154 100 CBills
Total armor: 92 394
Engine Size: Starfire 300 XL
Price: 163 900 CBills
Total armor: 92 394
Engine Size: Starfire 300 XL
Price: 156 500 CBills
Total armor: 89 249
Engine Size: Starfire 300 XL
Price: 152 600 CBills
Total armor: 92 394
Engine Size: Starfire 300 XL
Price: 158 700 CBills
Total armor: 92 394
Engine Size: Starfire 300 XL
Price: 144 500 CBills
Total armor: 92 394
Engine Size: Starfire 300 XL
Price: 156 000 CBills
Total armor: 92 394
Engine Size: Starfire 300 XL
Armor Points Distribution

All stats current as of release 0.16.1

The Dire Wolf is one of the OmniMechs that became feared throughout the Inner Sphere during the initial Clan Invasion and rightly so. The Dire Wolf weighs in at an impressive one hundred tons and has a relatively slow cruising speed of 54 km/h provided by a 300 XL engine. Its speed and armor protection matches that of an Atlas, but it has superior potential firepower with fifty and a half tons of free pod space for weapons and equipment. It is these traits which saw the 'Mech christened Daishi (pseudo-Japanese for "Great Death") by the criminal underbelly of the Draconis Combine, a name that would be proven grimly accurate time and time again.

Roles and Gameplay Hints


Death incarnate! Sporting incredible firepower, the four CERLLs and the cLRM10 can cut down the enemy at long ranges, and if it survives the punishment, then the two cUAC5s and the battery of cMPLs can demolish whatever remains. This amazing damage potential is only hampered by the immense heat it creates that even it's 14 DHS can't stave off, so firing discipline is required. Its also very slow and requires good piloting to make the most of its attack windows. The Prime, along with all Daishi variants, sport some of the thickest armor found in any Mech - a whopping 19 tons, granting it unparalleled durability on the battlefield.

Variant A - "Pain-killer"

This variant, known as the "Pain-killer", packs a trio of cLPLs, combined with a torso-mounted CGauss and pair of ATM6 launchers loaded with extended range ammo. This allows the Painkiller to reach out and hit enemies at 1250 with the missiles while drilling holes in targets at 850m with its primary weapons. LAMS and GECM help keep this wolf in the fray until it can exhaust its ammo supply, of which the A is somewhat lacking with only a single free ton available. 13 DHSs help keep heat troubles at bay, although constant use of the LPLs will overwhelm them with little difficulty.

Variant B - "Widowmaker"

Adequately dubbed "Widowmaker" - This was the preferred variant used by Natasha Kerensky herself. Twin cERPPC's & a CGauss batter distant enemies until within range to finish them off with a barrage of 4 Small Lasers and 4 Clan Short-Range Missiles. Two LAMS help to keep missiles at bay, and furnishing 13 Dual Heat Sinks allow for continuous widow-making action. Still, as with most Daishi variants, the pilot must be cautious with their firing rate and choose shots carefully when scoring the killing blow. Single B-Pod serves to finish off any wounded Battle Armor, should any fall before your warpath.

Variant C - "Chunky"

An oddity among Daishis, the "Chunky" sacrifices a large amount of direct-fire capacity to carry the long reaching, devastating Clan Arrow IV Cluster missile system. Coupled with it's own TAG, EOptics and GECM it can paint it's own targets with some degree of immunity from radar. It also carries duo CERPPCs for engaging heavier units and count them 8 CLBX2s for anti-air, light Mech disposal or damaging whatever they strike. Of all the Daishi variants, the "Chunky" is best kept at distance from the enemy, operating both as artillery and fire-support. 2 LAMS enable the "Chunky" to mitigate opposing LRM barrages directed at it and those around you. One Free Ton of Ammo feed the Clan Arrow IV. Beware the Arrows and CERPPCs generate enormous amounts of heat and with only 5 DHS firing discipline is mandatory. May the Gods of War have mercy on anything that come into the Daishi's C sights.

NOTE: As of version 0.15.3 the Chunky cannot purchase a ton of ammo for its ArrowIV.

Variant D - "Dolt"

A born-and-bred brawler. The Daishi D is a true terror in urban combat with its two cUAC10s and a cUAC20 with three dual cSRM4 packs for clean-up and anti-BA duty. This Mech can, with a little pilot skill, blast an opposing Mech's head open and saturate the pilot inside with a hailstorm of SRMs. GECM and three tons of available space give the D some staying power and enable it to ambush units when it can get into position. Like all Daishis, the D is not a fast Mech and with no weapons that have a range beyond 700m except the 4 MGs which is well suited for Aero, VTOL or putting a damaged asset down. It must rely on GECM cover and support from its teammates to get into the fray without being weakened by snipers. The D's combat endurance is also quite hampered by its over-reliance on ammo-based weapons; combined with its poor speed, reloading this Mech is often not an option.

Variant E

Two cLRM20s and a HAG40 make this a fearsome extreme range denial asset. Supported by four HMLs when something does manage to get close ensures that it's more than a match for all but the mightiest brawlers in close combat as well. GECM+the pair of LAMS make locating and suppressing this Assault Mech with missile fire difficult as it can easily slip away to re-position unseen by most radar systems while serving as a mighty anchor for its team to rally around. Its heat-management is also adequate unless firing the lasers and missiles at the same time, so staggering your fire slightly is recommended. If this variant has any real drawback, it's that it has trouble dealing with heavier ASF that don't need to be scared of the HAG40 cutting through them before delivering their bomb payload.

Variant F - "Beehive"

The "Beehive" Daishi is an exceptionally potent mech against anything that can't close against its ATM12 and dual ATM9's minimum range or stay out of its maximum range. While the longer lock-on times of the ATMs and the heat they generate requires you to pick your engagements carefully, your GECM is the perfect tool for deciding when to strike and making the engagement on your terms. The quad CERML are extremely potent backup weapons either for stripping weakened components or as a deterrent if an asset gets inside your minimum range. A pair of cLBX5 further help it pressure targets when its ATMs are cooling down. Additionally, the synergy of the ATMs and LBXes make this an exceptionally potent tank-buster as they struggle to close inside your minimum range before your bee's rips them to pieces.

Variant G - "Jupiter Tonans"

The Daishi G is a bit of an oddball in that it doesn't excel in any one area, but does everything reasonably well. It has just barely enough 13 heatsinks to make its dual HLLs viable. CGauss fire can add to the destruction. If an enemy gets close, it packs a fearsome punch with its CLBX20 to deter all but the most dedicated brawl assets from engaging it. The ten HMG's are increasing C-Bills and scoring a kill on a badly damaged asset. 2 Free tons to divide between the Gauss and CLBX20. Since this Daishi is more of a generalist of all ranges, it's best to read the situation and pick your engagement ranges where the other team is least comfortable fighting you rather than trying to force specific engagement brackets on your terms like you typically would with other more specialized assault assets


The Daishi (Japanese for Great Death, and the IS codename for the Dire Wolf) is a Clan Assault Mech introduced with MWLL version 0.6.0. The first sign of this mech was a placeholder xml data accidently(?) left in the beta 0.5.2 release and found by user Come and See. The final 0.5.7 pre-release media unveiled it as a planned addition for release 0.5.7 (later renamed to 0.6.0).


The Dire Wolf was the brain-child of the Clan Wolf scientist caste, but was actually first produced by Clan Smoke Jaguar. Hearing rumors that Clan Wolf was developing the "Ultimate Assault OmniMech", the Jaguars won the plans and production rights in a trial that, rumor has it, was fought dishonorably. Production commenced on Huntress in 3010. In 3019, Clan Wolf began production of the OmniMech on Strana Mechty as well; Star Colonel Ulric won a trial of possession to expand manufacture into Clan Wolf. Beyond the limited manufacture of the Dire Wolf on Outreach, all Dire Wolves outside of Clans Smoke Jaguar and Wolf (or the Wolf's Dragoons) are either gifts, isorla or were acquired through trade. The Dire Wolf is one of the OmniMechs that became feared throughout the Inner Sphere during the initial Clan Invasion and rightly so.

Date Introduced 3010 during the Era known as "Late Succession War - LosTech" (2901 - 3019) - Unit Role: Juggernaut

BattleTech Reference