Cauldron-Born | ||
Class: | Heavy Mech | |
Faction: | Clan | |
Ticket cost: | 10 upon destruction | |
Tier: | 12 | |
Tonnage: | 65 tons | |
Speed: | 86 km/h (120 km/h with MASC) | |
Torso yaw: | 200° | |
Torso pitch: | -30° to +35° while standing -30° to +45° while crouching | |
Variant Armament | ||
Variant | Weapons | Equipment |
Prime: Price: 87 800 CBills Total armor: 60 835 Engine Size: 325 XL Fusion |
A: Price: 89 700 CBills Total armor: 60 835 Engine Size: 325 XL Fusion |
B: Price: 94 100 CBills Total armor: 58 951 Engine Size: 325 XL Fusion |
C: Price: 91 100 CBills Total armor: 60 835 Engine Size: 325 XL Fusion |
D: Price: 94 900 CBills Total armor: 60 835 Engine Size: 325 XL Fusion |
E: Price: 90 700 CBills Total armor: 60 835 Engine Size: 325 XL Fusion |
F: Price: 98 900 CBills Total armor: 60 835 Engine Size: 325 XL Fusion |
G: Price: 94 600 CBills Total armor: 60 835 Engine Size: 325 XL Fusion |
Armor Points Distribution | ||
All stats current as of release 0.15.3
By Operation BULLDOG the Cauldron-Born (Clan designation Ebon Jaguar) made up a large proportion of the heavy 'Mechs of the rebuilding Smoke Jaguars, and following their Annihilation the design proliferated the remaining Clans, save the Jade Falcons Wolves and Coyotes who continued to favour the Hellbringer. Following the Wars of Reaving the Ebon Jaguar had finally supplanted the Hellbringer in most Homeworld Clans save the Coyotes who remained loyal to redeeming the honor of their design
[hide]Roles and Gameplay Hints
From the far reaching cLRM10, dependable cGauss, the trusty Lubalin auto cannon, over the ERML duo down to the (only) 350 meter far reaching cSRM4 missile launcher, this unit's firing solution has ever more weapons at disposal as the enemy draws near. Of all that arsenal only the cLRM mandates the use of active radar on the longer range, this might designate this unit stealth capable to a high degree. The main problem might be to most efficiently group the various weapons on the usual three weapon groups.
Its main selling point is the versatile arsenal, not heavily taxing the heat sinks while offering quite some punch from long to close range.
Its main drawback is the riddle of grouping its versatile weapons arsenal to least possible weapon groups. Combining the identically ranged LBX5 with the CGauss on the 1st group, while the twin cERML falls on the 2nd, the cLRM10 on the 3rd while the cSRM4 occupies the last group will help maximize the Prime's potential. B-Pod helps with Battle Armor ambushes.
Variant A
The Cauldron-Born's A variant is a powerful brawler with excellent skirmishing abilities. A cUAC20 in the right arm and cSRM6 in the right external are a devastating combination of raw damage and screenshake within 350m. Twin HMGs in the left arm serve as heatless auxiliary weapons with DPS maximized within 350m. A pair of cERLLs - one in the left arm and one in the left external - provide reliable, low-exposure pinpoint damage out to 900m, enabling the asset to safely contribute to long-range engagements and chip down slower or shorter-ranged enemies before closing in for the kill. The ERLLs' long cycle time makes them suboptimal in extended brawls, but their burst damage is considerable, and six DHS allows them to be alpha struck or chained quickly even when used in tandem with the UAC20 and SRMs. Ammunition can become an issue for the asset in extended close-quarters fights, however. The UAC20 will chew through the A's extra ton of ammo quickly, and the SRM6 can also run dry in just over a minute if used continuously.
Variant B
The asset worthy of an true lance commander - two CERLL that punish up to 900m afar - with pinpoint and hit-scan accuracy. Even further the two CLRM15 Locks On out to 1000m and travel 1470 meters, combined with CNARC up to 700 meters, provides for control for who's NARC-ed and who's not. However, the TAG with a reach of 1300 meters facilitates prolonged target designation even in events of NARC disruption. EOptics and BHP ensure hunting will be a pleasure while the five DHS help to keep things cool. Three Free Ton, one additional ton for the CNARCs and two for the CLAM15s.
Variant C
Focusing on precision medium range skirmishing, the C variant packs a HAG30 for long range deterrence or shorter range component removal. Two ATM6 bring splash damage and cockpit shake inside 750 meters. Once shorter distances have been achieved, a duo of CMPL & 2x Extended Range Small Lasers rapidly exploit the holes punched by the HAG and ATMS. This variant shines at the 400-600 meter range, preferably using cover to approach to bring all it's weapon types to bear. The single spare ton of ammo rack space should always be dedicated to the HAG as it is deadly at any distance.
Care must be taken that opponents do not get inside the ATM-6's 125 meter arming range, though careful pilots can use the HAG to devastating effect at short distances.
Variant D
The Cauldron-Born D is a volatile brawler with supplemental long-range flexibility. The D's most powerful weapons are a cLBX20 in the right arm and a cERPPC in the left external. A spare ton of ammunition for the LBX20 extends the asset's battlefield longevity. Four cERSLs in the left arm provide rapid-cycling pinpoint damage within 450m, complementing the LBX20's burst damage in that range bracket. Two cLRM10s in the right external can effectively deter or suppress longer-ranged opponents while on approach, especially when paired with ERPPC shots timed to disrupt the aim of high-alpha skirmishers. In closer quarters, the two missile launchers offer modest screenshake when chainfired. Five DHS struggle to keep the mech cool while in optimal weapons range, so in order to keep heat under control in sustained combat, it's necessary to fire the hottest weapons (namely the LRMs and ERPPC) more sparingly than their cycle time allows. A quick flush of coolant allows for instantaneous bursts of damage and screenshake as necessary in a pinch.
Variant E
The E fields a wide array of short to medium range weaponry. Two ERMLs don't make the E able to poke with much effectiveness, nor does the UAC10 support this strategy at 650m. But once the E is within 600m, the combination of these two weapons with a CHLL make it a vicious medium-range mech. Due to the lead time on the UAC10, the E becomes easier and easier to aim as targets come in closer. To improve the accuracy of the UAC10 at medium-range, fire it after the HLL is finished firing, then fire the HLL again while the UAC10 is cooling down. The ERMLs can be fired whenever there is enough heat capacity to do so.
Opponents that come in too close will face four CSRM2s. And at that range the E can better focus its UAC10 on individual components making it much more formidable at close ranges. The four SRM2s can be group fired to help with damage spreading between volleys or can be chain fired for maximum cockpit shake.
Variant F - "Saito"
Nicknamed "Saito", a sibling to the Vulture E, this 'Mech is also an SSRM-boat. It trades the two DSSRM6 racks of the Vulture for a trio of CSSRM4s, giving slightly more shots before requiring a reload, while trading the MPLs for a HAG20. The two ERSLs are retained on this 'Mech and are useful for delivering the last couple points of damage to score a kill. Generally, this Cauldron Born will perform slightly better in a brawl due to the additional screenshake and burst capability of the HAG. It pays for that in having inferior mobility in comparison, slightly less ammo and being more expensive.
Overall, the F will give you slightly more durability and greater punch for a similar heat profile to the Vulture E, provided you can afford it.
Variant G - "ChiliDog"
The "ChiliDog" is unique among heavy 'Mechs -- it carries an impressive array of close combat weapons, starts at an unaided 86 km/h top speed, maxes out at 120 km/h aided top speed using MASC, and GECM, giving it incredible, stealthy, mobility. The G fills a role that Lokis and Novacats with MASC cannot fill. It is an excellent backcapper and an amazing choice when a Black Lanner isn't enough firepower in the late game. The G's short-ranged loadout, featuring two MPLs, two HMLs, a pair of SRM4s and a shoulder-mounted ATM9 with HE rounds, provide a massive short-range punch. Its eight impressive DHS allow it to backcap with amazing speed, rapidly flank opponents, run down fleeing targets, charge into a battle from unexpected angles, or maintain nearly continuous fire while sipping coolant. Just be careful about getting into a turning circle battle where the Cauldron-Born's poor turn rate will often force you to slow down to keep your target in your HUD, sacrificing your mobility and making you an easier target. Instead, try breaking line of sight with MASC while using its 200* torso rotation to spread damage, turn around under cover or amongst allies and run back into the battle guns blazing.
Although not capable of as much DPS, the G can still bring substantial firepower on hot maps and other maps where cooling is slow like Inferno and Sirus V.
Introduced in 3049 to address flaws in the venerable Hellbringer, by Operation REVIVAL the Ebon Jaguar had only just started to spread through the Jaguar's touman with the Inner Sphere first encountering the design during the Battle of Luthien. Facing it for the first time when engaging the First Jaguar Guards Cluster in the Kado-Guchi Valley, the 'Mech's ability to take damage and remain operational led the Inner Sphere warriors who fought it to call it the Cauldron-Born after the unstoppable zombies of Irish myth. Paradoxically many of the other Clans also used the Inner Sphere Cauldron-Born reporting name, having first learned detailed information of the design from Inner Sphere sources.
Date Introduced 3049 during the Era known as "Clan Invasion" (3050 - 3061) - Unit Role: Skirmisher