Streak Short Range Missiles

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Streak SRMs, or SSRMs, are SRMs that have been upgraded with a guidance system.



Streak SRMs can lock onto a target and autonomously follow it, while still allowing dumbfiring without a lock. However the spread of the dumbfired missile barrage is wider than with SRMs, easily causing the overall damage to spread out to multiple parts.

SSRM launchers with a D prefix denote a Dual launcher, which fire twice as much ordinance per volley as a comparable regular SSRM launcher. Only notable difference between Inner Sphere and Clan SSRMs is that Clan SSRMs have 100m more range.

Weapon Stats

Weapon Min Range Max Range Lock On
Lock On
Splash Damage/Shot Damage
Sec. Splash
Damage Type
Splash Radius
Max Speed
Ammo cost
SSRM2 --- 350m 350m 0.3s 2 x 100 Missile 2 x 100 Frag 0.8m / 3m 14.5 49 225 16 36 175
SSRM4 4 x 100 4 x 100 14 95 32 72 350
SSRM6 6 x 100 6 x 100 13.5 138 48
DSSRM4 --- 350m 350m 0.3s 8 x 100 Missile 8 x 100 Frag 0.8m / 3m 14 190 225 64 72 350
DSSRM6 12 x 100 12 x 100 13.5 275 96
CSSRM2 --- 450m 450m 0.3s 2 x 100 Missile 2 x 100 Frag 0.8m / 3m 14.5 49 225 16 36 225
CSSRM4 4 x 100 4 x 100 14 95 32 72 450
CSSRM6 6 x 100 6 x 100 13.5 138 48
CDSSRM4 --- 450m 450m 0.3s 8 x 100 Missile 8 x 100 Frag 0.8m / 3m 14 190 225 64 72 450
CDSSRM6 12 x 100 12 x 100 13.5 275 96
Air SSRM2 --- 660m 600m 1s 2 x 100 Missile 2 x 100 Frag 0.95m / 2m 9.5 32 600 16 48 250
Air SSRM4 4 x 100 4 x 100 7.7 52 32 96
Air SSRM6 6 x 100 6 x 100 6.7 69 48 96
All stats are current as of release 0.14.10


Originally developed in 2647 by the Star League, the Streak SRM Launcher is relatively similar to the standard SRM launcher but incorporates a unique Targa-7 fire control system. This system consists of a multi-lens sensor linked to a microwave targeting laser and battle computer built in to the launcher. When activated the system fires multiple light pulses at the target, and if the sensor detects a positive return signal from 90% or more of the pulses the battle computer authorizes missile launch; once airborne the missiles receive constant telemetry updates from the system to ensure they hit their target. In contrast if the system does not receive sufficient feedback before firing to guarantee a hit it will prevent the missiles from launching. This special feature of the system prevents the weapon from firing at a target when there is no lock-on, saving ammunition by preventing shots that would otherwise miss.

Era Report 3062: Despite the nomenclature, both the long and short-range missile launchers in use on modern battlefields are wildly inaccurate. Because of this, they are noted ammunition hogs, and most missile boats, as support-oriented combat craft are called, are loaded down with ammunition. The Streak short-range missile of the Star League was a quantum-leap forward in SRM technology, despite being limited only to the smallest, two-tube launcher. The Clans, as with so much else, were finally able to adapt the Streak technology to the standard four- and six-tube models, and the Inner Sphere was quick to follow suit. First available from Guided Technologies in the Draconis Combine, the Streak SRM 4 and Streak SRM 6 launchers allow every flight of missiles fired to hit the target with every round, although the launchers are fifty percent heavier than standard short-range missile launchers.

BattleTech reference


The following assets equip SSRMs:

Asset Type Faction Tons (c)SSRM2 (c)SSRM4 (c)SSRM6 Air SSRM2 Air SSRM4 Air SSRM6 (c)DSSRM4 (c)DSSRM6
Commando C Mech IS 25 1
Locust IIC G Mech CL 25 2
Anubis E Mech IS 30 4
Anubis F Mech IS 30 2
Osiris A Mech IS 30 1
Osiris F Mech IS 30 1
Uller F Mech CL 30 2 1
Cougar D Mech CL 35 2
Owens B Mech IS 35 2
Owens F Mech IS 35 1
Raven Prime Mech IS 35 1
Chimera B Mech IS 40 1
Chimera E Mech IS 40 1
Hellhound E Mech CL 50 3
Uziel G Mech IS 50 1
Blacklanner C Mech CL 55 1
Bushwacker D Mech IS 55 3
Stormcrow E Mech CL 55 2
Argus B Mech IS 60 1
Argus D Mech IS 60 2
Rifleman A Mech IS 60 2
Vulture E Mech CL 60 2
Cauldronborn F Mech CL 65 3
Loki Prime Mech CL 65 1
Loki A Mech CL 65 2
Loki D Mech CL 65 1
Loki E Mech CL 65 1
Avatar D Mech IS 70 2
Thor A Mech CL 70 1
Warhammer A Mech IS 70 2
Madcat F Mech CL 75 1 2
Thanatos C Mech IS 75 1
Awesome Prime Mech IS 80 1
Masakari E Mech CL 85 2 1
Sunder C Mech IS 90 3
Kodiak A Mech CL 100 1
Harasser Prime Vehicle IS 25 2
Mithras D Vehicle CL 25 1
Mithras F Vehicle CL 25 2
Chevalier Prime Vehicle IS 35 1
Ares B Vehicle CL 40 2
Goblin F Vehicle IS 45 2
Epona Prime Vehicle CL 50 1
Oro B Vehicle CL 60 1
Rommel E Vehicle IS 65 1
Shoden E Vehicle CL 70 2
Morrigu A Vehicle CL 80 2
Partisan G Vehicle IS 80 2
Schrek A Vehicle IS 80 2
Behemoth A Vehicle IS 100 2 2
Mars Prime Vehicle CL 100 1
Mars E Vehicle CL 100 3
Mars G Vehicle CL 100 3
Donar Prime VTOL CL 25 2
Donar C VTOL CL 25 5
Hawkmoth B VTOL IS 25 1
Hawkmoth E VTOL IS 25 2
SparrowHawk E ASF IS 30 2 2
Avar Prime ASF CL 35 2
Avar G ASF CL 35 2
Sulla E ASF CL 45 2
Corsair C ASF IS 50 1
Corsair E ASF IS 50 2
Visigoth Prime ASF CL 60 2
Shiva Prime ASF IS 85 1
Xerxes E ASF CL 85 2
All stats are current as of release 0.14.10