Battle Armor
Battle Armor (abbreviated BA) is a powered armor that the player spawns in. For the Inner Sphere it is the Longinus, and for the Clan it is the Elemental.
Battle Armor are extreme high risk, high reward units. A single full blast from a medium laser can end them, but they are also the single most agile asset in the game, allowing them to weave between an enemy's feet, hide in urban areas, and even hitch rides on allies - and enemies. Battle Armor are particularly suited for harassing slow targets, protecting bases, and delaying enemy advances as they can be very difficult to root out from positions.
As a single Battle Armor actually represents Five Battle Armor from the Battletech board game, their weapon firepower has been significantly boosted. Unlike mechs, who can fire all of their weapons simultaneously, BA can only fire one weapon at a time. To maximize damage output, BA must juggle their weapons between weapon 1, weapon 2, and SRM all while using their jump jet fuel sparingly to avoid running out, but enough to avoid getting shot.
Despite a hefty point multiplier for using a 2 ticket unit, it can be difficult for new pilots to generate score and rank up when using them. While nimble within a small area, they truly suffer traversing the large distances between points; severely reducing their map presence unless coordinated with their team.
When a player ejects from their vehicle, they will return to playing as a battle armor.

[hide]Notes on Battle Armor
Currently the Battle Armor has:
- Health Regen (6 points/sec) after 10 seconds of taking no damage- regen rate can be doubled if the BA stops moving or crouches.
- 400 Total Health
- Infinite Ammo for Weapons (Not for SRM)
- Speed and Maneuverability
- Small Size
- Low Radar Profile
- Varied Weapon Options
Battle Armor Weapons
BA weapons are essentially scaled down versions of standard Mech weapons.
The BA is equipped with a Small Laser as a primary weapon and a secondary Light Machine Gun. [Right Click] to fire the Light Machine Gun.
If the BA enters another asset, all weapons besides the Light Machine Gun and up to 2 SRM-2 Missiles, will be dropped. The only exceptions to this are all the seats in an APC, and the secondary seats in the Hephaestus and Goblin.
Other weapons like SRM-2 missiles, BA TAG, Grenade Launcher, etc can be purchased. Note: BA SRM-2 must be dry-fired one time to trigger a reload. After purchasing BA SRM-2, use the [scroll wheel]] or press the [3]' key to switch to missile mode. Use [Left Click] twice to begin reloading both SRM-2 tubes. This also allows the player to purchase two more SRM-2 missiles.
Weapon Selection: BA Small Pulse Laser, BA Small Laser, Micro Heavy Laser, Light Machine Gun, Medium Machine Gun, Recoilless Rifle, Grenade Launcher, BA SRM-2, Man Pack PPC, BA Flamer and BA TAG Laser.
Battle Armor Equipment
Battle Armor are equipped in three default features:
- Jump Jets Allow Battle Armor it to fly for limited time, or cover great distances quickly in bursts (Like 'mechs, Battle armor suffer no falling damage)
By using [space] and [wasd] at the same time, BA can vector their jump jet thrust similarly to mechs.
By fluttering their JJs (pressing [space] intermittently) BA can suspend themselves in the air, or by holding [w] at the same time, the BA can cover great distances.
In low gravity environments, BA are able to change their thrust vector by aiming up and down, and roll left or right ([X] and [C] keys by default). This allows the battle armor a disorientingly extreme amount of control and maneuverability.
- Standard Optics allowing them to zoom-in for more accurate fire
- Night Vision for night operations
In addition to this equipment, Battle Armor are able to sprint using the (by default) Left Shift key, similar to a Battlemech equipped with MASC, except that you cannot fire while sprinting.
Infantry Bay
Some assets, such as the APC, Hephaestus, and Goblin and some variants of the Karnov, and Anhur have an Infantry Bay providing BA with a mobile spawn point as well as access to BA Weapons. The infantry bay does not allow the pilot to hold BA weapons while in the cockpit, but the pilot can exit the asset in order to purchase BA weapons and leave the asset behind.
The Elemental is the default Battle Armor for Clan players. Functionally, it is currently no different than the other BA, the Inner Sphere Longinus.
The standard against which all Battle Armor is measured, the Elemental Battle Armor was first introduced in 2868 by Clan Wolf in a Trial of Possession against the Nova Cats. It was a marvel of Clan engineering that allowed a small group of operators to take down large 'Mechs and survive the encounter. The canon Elemental only has one shot of SRM2, whereas the MWLL Elemental mounts two.
Notable pilots include: [CJF] Bolter - CL, Stories from onlookers have been told, that he annihilates anything in his path.
Date Introduced 2868 during the Era known as "Early Succession War" (2781 - 2900) - Unit Role: Infantry - Battle Armor
The Longinus is the default Battle Armor for Inner Sphere players. Functionally, it is currently no different than the other BA, the Clan Elemental.
The Longinus Battle Armor was developed in 3058 by the Free Worlds League to attempt to duplicate the functionality of the Elemental. Though they were unable to match the original Clan-tech machine, the Longinus came the closest of any Inner Sphere attempt at the time, thanks in part to the help of the Word of Blake.
The canon Longinus has a one shot SRM2 pack, whereas the MWLL Longinus mounts two.
Notable pilots include: =KoS= Saber15 - IS (Why Contain It), Known for raining fear & terror throughout all of the known worlds. When word of his arrival on your plant reaches you - Run.
Date Introduced 3057 during the Era known as "Clan Invasion" (3050 - 3061) - Unit Role: Infantry - Battle Armor