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Commando spin.gif
Class: Light Mech
Faction: Inner Sphere
Ticket cost: 2 upon destruction
Tier: 1
Tonnage: 25 tons
Speed: 97 km/h (136 km/h with MASC)
Torso yaw: 220°
Torso pitch: -29° to +30° while standing
-30° to +29° while crouching
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
Price: 33 300 CBills
Total armor: 25 689
Engine Size: GM 150 XL
Price: 33 000 CBills
Total armor: 25 689
Engine Size: GM 150 XL
Price: 34 700 CBills
Total armor: 25 689
Engine Size: GM 150 XL
Price: 33 400 CBills
Total armor: 25 689
Engine Size: GM 150 XL
Price: 35 800 CBills
Total armor: 25 689
Engine Size: GM 150 XL
Price: 34 900 CBills
Total armor: 25 689
Engine Size: GM 150 XL
Price: 30 500 CBills
Total armor: 25 689
Engine Size: GM 150 XL
Price: 33 500 CBills
Total armor: 25 689
Engine Size: GM 150 XL
Armor Points Distribution

All stats current as of release 0.16.1

The Commando a 600-year-old humanoid-type design, despite being the most lightweight IS mech, the Commando can be surprisingly tanky due to its small figure and hitboxes. Having the lowest possible tier helps gathering Cbills by damaging higher tier assets. All Commando variants are available for the starting rank.

Roles and Gameplay Hints


Starter Asset

Good brawler and somewhat functional skirmisher by using iJJs. Best alpha strike of all Commandos.

Variant A

Starter Asset

Fire-support mech with some usefulness as AA against early VTOLs. Don't try to jump snipe, the Commando A uses its iJJs to find good firing positions or to escape combat.

Variant B

Starter Asset

The Commando B is a very flexible mech. Between the B's pair of LAC2s (900m of range) and UAC5 (800m of range) it has reasonable jump sniping capabilities from its iJJ. In close range, the B can still hold its own with a pair of MGuns and a single MXPL. Even though the B doesn't carry any extra Heat Sinks, it is unlikely to overheat except on hot maps. For weapon groups it is recommended to group the UAC5 and the two Light AC2s together for the first group, and the MXPL and MGuns in a second group. Don't worry about letting the MGuns jam, keeping that MXPL going is far more important, once the MGuns have unjammed, remember to let go of the firing button and press it again in order to resume firing with the MGuns. If jamming the UAC5 becomes a concern, it is recommended to have a third firing group dedicated to the two Light AC2s so that the pilot can fire the AC2s without jamming the UAC5 and for sniping targets beyond 800m. The B's weapons are spread out quite evenly, losing only a small portion of its firepower with each destroyed component and its best weapon, the UAC5, is safely stowed away in the B's center torso.

Variant C

Starter Asset

Surgeon assistant - this unit's highly precise SXPL battery will make short business of arms and externals not shielded in time. The guided SSRM4 launcher, if fired in active radar mode will save the pilot the worry of aiming or leading the target while providing some cool down time for the two DHS to dissipate the excess SXPL heat buildup. Having no motion augmenting equipment, the pilot of this unit is advised to take the utmost care and keep an accurate oversight of the situation, since no returning fire will go past the 350m of the missile launcher, nor 300m of the laser battery.
Still, falling victim of the suddenly changed situation will not cost your team too many tickets, while the damage dealt against any considerably bigger targets will quite rack up your funds due to the favorable tier offset this unit's nature provides.

Variant D - "RealToughGuy"

Starter Asset

Toughened up compared to its other siblings, this unit might be the late join cheap trick! The skirmish ranged MRM10 launcher will most certainly be used for opening blows, as the Target passes the 400m line the MPL pair better be exploiting the weakened limbs in the hope of severing them on time. At the 300 mark 2 Small Lasers come into play. Past the 200m the HMGun pair will come to fully bear, either pointed at the weaker torso, more easy to hit, or the wounded arm in hopes to destroy it before it dishes too much damage upon us. Using The Enhanced optics is highly advised in this scenario, as is damage mitigation by twisting / denying line of sight to our damaged components for the while weapons reload or the Mech cools down being absent of any additional DHS. Use the JJ for jump snipping or getting out of the way.

Variant E - "Enoch"

Starter Asset

Yet another striker like asset. Returning fire past 400m out just won't work, and returning past 350m is only lended by the two modest ERSL. The majority of this units sting comes from the LPPC pair, which is no surprise, and the needed additional punch from the reliable SRM4. Both these weapon types deliver maximal screen shake in chain-fire mode, denying the enemy of accurate return fire and disabling their night vision. Further frustrate enemies by dodging with the liberal use of the Enoch's Improved JumpJets.
Highly affordable, decently armored and of reliable firepower, this unit is an excellent companion to many a mech pilot.

Variant F

Starter Asset

If the Commando F wants to use constantly its iJJ then heat can be a slight struggle, but thanks to having six regular SLs instead of the Extended range variety, the amount of damage that the F can put out before overheating is quite staggering. Backing up the SLs is one TBolt10 mounted in the center torso. The main advantage of this mounting location is that the F can continue to use its most burst damage- and splash damage-heavy weapon until the F runs out of its one free ton of ammo, or until the F is destroyed. The F's SLs are distributed quite evenly throughout the arms and side torsos making the F a rather survivable mech (for a Commando), losing only a small portion of its firepower with each destroyed component. When in close combat, the F will likely need to dumb-fire its TBolt10. Fast moving targets will easily avoid the lazy tracking that TBolts offer.

Variant G

Starter Asset

The Commando G is a pinpoint accurate skirmisher and brawler. It is also capable of acting as a backcapper by using its MASC to quickly move from base to base. Players are advised to carefully watch their heat and to use coolant when necessary as the G's weapon loadout is exclusively energy-based and it's MASC competes with those weapons for heat capacity. Players can effectively utilize the G in combat through two main tactics. The first is to maximize DPS, to do this, keep all weapons split between three groups and continually fire these weapons while staring at the enemy. The second, is to alpha strike, then damage spread while the G's weapons are recharging. The downside to the second tactic is that the G will cool less efficiently and have a lower DPS. For skirmishing, the G can poke out to 600m with its LL and 500m with its two MLs. In this capacity, mechs like the Owens G often perform better. The Commando G makes up for this by being a better brawler, thanks to its two SLs, and by having a better tier.


The Commando was originally a canceled Inner Sphere Light Mech, under development by Wandering Samurai Studios. It was announced as planned even before the 0.1.0 release, but no renders or images were ever released. It was unknown when and if it was still being developed until it was officially announced canceled on November 1st in 2012.

With version 0.11.0, the Commando was confirmed for release and finally saw the light of day.


Coventry Defense Conglomerate produced the Commando as one of the Commonwealth's first home-grown entries into the newly created industry of BattleMech design and manufacture. By the time of the Clan Invasion (3050–3061), this renaissance man, the 'Commando' had gone through many versions & was a nearly 600-year-old design for an early reconnaissance 'Mech. Despite its age, it was still an impressive unit with its SRM6 and SRM4 missile launchers supported by a single Medium Laser. With 4 tons of armor (a half-ton less than the Raven), it could run up to 97 km/h. One of the first Mechs designed for Reconnaissance, then upgraded to Stricker. Variants of the Commando were created even after the invasion, proving the success and popularity of this design.

Date Introduced 2463 during the Era known as "Age of War" (2005 - 2570) - Unit Role: Reconnaissance, then in 2486 upgraded to Striker

BattleTech Reference