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(Variant B - "Badger")
(Variant C)
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===Variant C===
===Variant C===
Punishing DPS with MASC to facilitate hit-and-run tactics. Use your extra speed to attack vulnerable flanks and other targets of opportunity.
Punishing [[DPS]] with [[MASC]] to facilitate [[hit-and-run]] tactics. Use your extra speed to attack vulnerable flanks and other targets of opportunity.
===Variant D===
===Variant D===

Revision as of 09:24, 16 November 2022

Uller spin.gif
Class: Light Mech
Faction: Clan
Ticket cost: 3 upon destruction
Tier: 4
Tonnage: 30 tons
Speed: 97.2 km/h (136 km/h with MASC)
Torso yaw: 280°
Torso pitch: -35° to +40° while standing
-35° to +49° while crouching
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
Price: 42 400 CBills
Total armor: 29 853
Engine Size: Starfire 180 XL
Price: 43 500 CBills
Total armor: 28 271
Engine Size: Starfire 180 XL
Price: 44 000 CBills
Total armor: 29 853
Engine Size: Starfire 180 XL
Price: 45 800 CBills
Total armor: 29 853
Engine Size: Starfire 180 XL
Price: 48 000 CBills
Total armor: 28 271
Engine Size: Starfire 180 XL
Price: 41 700 CBills
Total armor: 29 853
Engine Size: Starfire 180 XL
Price: 43 000 CBills
Total armor: 28 271
Engine Size: Starfire 180 XL
Price: 44 100 CBills
Total armor: 28 271
Engine Size: Starfire 180 XL
Armor Points Distribution

All stats current as of release 0.15.3

The Uller (Kit Fox) is a Clan Light Mech which emphasizes firepower over mobility compared to other starting and second Rank choices. Defensive torso twisting and situational awareness are the keys to maximizing its effectiveness, due to the combination of comparatively lower speed and arm-mounted weapons. A skilled Uller pilot can wreak havoc on other lights, or punch well above their weight in larger battles.

Gameplay Hints


As a glass cannon, the Uller demands cautious play. An Uller pilot needs to quickly identify winning matchups and weakened targets that can be dispatched with its massive firepower. While it's less maneuverable than most of its competitors, it remains armored and agile enough to dive in on targets of opportunity and survive. Choose your engagements wisely, and always have an escape route planned before committing to a team fight. Above all, stay on the move, or else your arms won't be attached for very long. The Uller is a great choice if you're confident in your aim and awareness, offering pure performance over economy or flexibility.


Starter Asset

Generalist capable of taking on almost any competitor. Alpha strike and twist to preserve your arms, use the SRM6 to disrupt your opponent's aim.

Variant A

Powerful sniper, devastating if fielded early. Keep your sensors passive and reposition between salvos to avoid return fire.

Variant B - "Badger"

Unmatched short-range firepower with Guardian ECM to enable risky plays. Be patient and wait for a good target, be prepared to flee as soon as your arm starts taking damage.

Variant C

Punishing DPS with MASC to facilitate hit-and-run tactics. Use your extra speed to attack vulnerable flanks and other targets of opportunity.

Variant D

Anti-missile support with decent long-range weapons. Stay near high-value friendlies to protect them.

Variant E

Starter Asset

Dedicated brawler with excellent DPS. Effective counter-pick for vehicles and Battle Armor.

Variant F

Starter Asset

Burst damage build, thrives in urban environments. Treat the Streak SRMs as your main weapons.

Variant G

Missile support build, useful for indirect fire and defending rough terrain unsuited to an otherwise superior Ares Prime.


Commando - Tougher and more agile, similar builds but with less weapon tonnage. Tricky but often favorable matchup.

Anubis, Owens, Locust IIC, Solitaire - Don't chase these, just shield your arms and return fire to ward them off. These pilots want to kite you forever, using their mobility to avoid return fire until your arms are removed.

Osiris, Raven - Favorable matchups, lacking distinct advantages to leverage in most cases. Beware of pilots with defensive torso twisting skills.

Chevalier - Tougher and equally dangerous, bring Light Kinetic weapons or wait for an opportunity to blast through its side armor.

Harasser, Hephaestus - Dangerous combination of weapons and speed, but even more fragile. Avoid their weapons until you can close in to guarantee a kill.

Mithras - Equal or superior firepower, but also quite vulnerable. Approach with caution; corner it and rip through a side if possible.



The Kit Fox is a light Clan OmniMech with long-range combat as a primary focus, earning it the Inner Sphere codename of Uller, after the Norse god of archery. The Kit Fox was another light OmniMech designed by Clan Cloud Cobra, and was first produced in 2890 with the aid of new resources coming from the Tanite Worlds. Rather than emphasize speed, the Kit Fox emphasizes armor and firepower, complementary to the role of the Fire Moth.

BattleTech Reference

Notable Pilots - Rask666, Leeko, Rogue_One, ~SJ~ Crush_Libs, OptimusShr