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Marauder spin.gif
Class: Heavy Mech
Faction: Inner Sphere
Ticket cost: 12 upon destruction
Tier: 13
Tonnage: 75 tons
Speed: 86 km/h
Torso yaw: 220°
Torso pitch: -35° to +40° while standing
-35° to +50° while crouching
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
Price: 98 000 CBills
Total armor: 71 312
Engine Size: XL
Price: 110 000 CBills
Total armor: 67 024
Engine Size: XL
Price: 104 900 CBills
Total armor: 71 312
Engine Size: XL
Price: 97 000 CBills
Total armor: 67 024
Engine Size: XL
Price: 107 300 CBills
Total armor: 71 312
Engine Size: XL
Price: 102 000 CBills
Total armor: 69 165
Engine Size: XL
Price: 101 400 CBills
Total armor: 67 024
Engine Size: XL
Price: 95 300 CBills
Total armor: 71 312
Engine Size: XL
Armor Points Distribution

All stats current as of release 0.15.3

Marauder is an iconic Inner Sphere Heavy Mech.

Roles and Gameplay Hints


This ferocious refit of the Marauder with 3072 tech reminds the newer generation of inner sphere pilots why their ancestors feared this beast during the Star League era. Packing twinlinked AC5s on its dorsal cannon, allowing it to put out respectable firepower out to 800m with minimal exposure, it also has a pair of ERPPCs in its arms. These ensure that the other mech has to play by your rules allowing you to screenshake it as you see fit with staggered fire limiting their ability to fight back. Finally, 4 ERML round out the package giving the Marauder a respectable followup to its initial punch and finish weakened components or BA. 6 DHS are more than suited for the task of cooling this monster of a mech.

Variant A - "Magnum"

Variant B

Variant C

Variant D - "ThunderHorse"

Variant E

This variant excels at applying a blistering amount of pinpoint damage for minimal exposure with its dorsal-mounted Improved Heavy Gauss Rifle. If it's able to expose its entire frame without fear of repercussion or a close combat engagement forces its hand, 2 LPL provide respectable punch and sustain and a whopping 5 Machine Guns are eager to finish off wounded components from the huge holes this thing punches in armor. 4 DHS are overkill for ensuring this mech never yellowlines on anything but the very hottest maps. 2 tons of ammo, while seemingly ample, will run dry quickly in sustained fights. While it has a lot of armor, it's difficult to mitigate the fire the main gun takes with twisting if you don't have access to hard cover and losing it more or less ends your ability to be combat effective.

Variant F

A facsimile of a certain popular Madcat variant, this mech puts all its eggs in one basket to deliver a brutal alpha strike and fade while cooling off. A Gauss Rifle and 2 ERLL make up the bulk of your damage, but 4 ERML add even more pinpoint punch within 600m. While there's a lot of options at this price bracket for this pinpoint damage playstyle, what sets this Marauder apart from its competitors is its GECM, LAMS and ease of use with 5 DHS keeping heat within manageable levels. A single ton of ammo gives you plenty of agency to position comfortably far from supply lines, but take care not to overestimate it. Additionally, while the main gun is well armored, the explosion and combat effectiveness loss from it exploding likely means the end of the rest of the Marauder.

Variant G


The Marauder was initially a canceled asset. It did not make it in time to be included in the game before the final beta 0.7.0, and only one render of Marauder 3D model was released. A new model was built and released in version 0.11.3.


The Marauder was an attack and direct support mech built in the 26th century and was modified numerous times later on. It's the best known type of mech in the galaxy. Prime variant of the Marauder was well prepared for long-range combat with it's 2 PPCs and an Autocannon 5 while two Medium Lasers provided additional firepower at close range. There were at least 19 variants of this common mech, differing not only in weaponry loadout but also in appearance. Between many, the MAD-6L was equipped with an ECM suite, the Stealth Armor, and a pair of Plasma Rifles.

Date Introduced 2819 during the Era known as "Early Succession War" (2781 - 2900) - Unit Role: Sniper

BattleTech Reference