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===Variant B===
===Variant B===
The B Variant is the only Atlas armed with a [[HGauss|Heavy Gauss]], giving it serious firepower at medium- to short-range. This terrifying weapon is supported by two [[LPL]]s, complimenting the HGauss' 700m range bracket. For even more close-range firepower, this variant is equipped with two [[MRM10]] launchers. This leaves the Atlas B with excellent mid- and close-range firepower. [[AECM]] makes this range bracket ideal for this Atlas, allowing it to provide an umbrella of radar protection to allies while they march toward the enemy. However, the lack of [[LAMS]] means that this Atlas is quite vulnerable to enemy missile fire while it moves in - such coverage would need to be provided by friendly units instead.
The B Variant is the only Atlas armed with a [[HGauss|Heavy Gauss]], giving it serious firepower at medium- to short-range. This terrifying weapon is supported by two [[PPC]]s, complimenting the HGauss' 700m range bracket. For even more close-range firepower, this variant is equipped with two [[MRM10]] launchers. This leaves the Atlas B with excellent mid- and close-range firepower. Its 5 [[DHS]] are sufficient to handle almost continuous firing of the IS PPCs. A good tactic is to chain fire them to maximize enemy screen shake while the Heavy Gauss reloads between shots. [[AECM]] makes this range bracket ideal for this Atlas, allowing it to provide an umbrella of radar protection to allies while they march toward the enemy. However, the lack of [[LAMS]] means that this Atlas is quite vulnerable to enemy missile fire while it moves in - such coverage would need to be provided by friendly units instead. Chain firing the PPCs
===Variant C===
===Variant C===

Revision as of 04:49, 22 February 2018

Atlas New.png
Atlas New.png
Class: Assault Mech
Faction: Inner Sphere
Ticket cost: 14 upon destruction
Tier: 7
Speed: 53 km/h
Torso yaw: 180°
Torso pitch: -34° to +45° while standing
-34° to +55° while crouching
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
Price: 109 100 CBills
Total armor: 90 920
Engine Size:
Price: 114 900 CBills
Total armor: 94 133
Engine Size:
Price: 113 500 CBills
Total armor: 94 133
Engine Size:
Price: 120 200 CBills
Total armor: 94 133
Engine Size:
Price: 101 900 CBills
Total armor: 94 133
Engine Size:
Price: 116 100 CBills
Total armor: 90 920
Engine Size:
Price: 112 500 CBills
Total armor: 90 920
Engine Size:
Price: 120 600 CBills
Total armor: 90 920
Engine Size:

All stats current as of release 0.15.3

The Atlas is an iconic Inner Sphere Assault Mech well recognized by Battletech fans for generations. With it's awe-inspiring Weapons, and extremely tough Armor, the Atlas has built itself a reputation as one of the most fearsome Inner Sphere Mechs available. With a surprisingly low price tag for a 100 ton Mech, the Atlas is relatively easy to field compared to its better-armed cousins, yet raw firepower is hardly lacking in any Atlas variant. Furthermore, the primary feature of the Atlas isn't the weaponry itself - it is the incredible longevity provided by extremely thick armor, coupled with the use of the standard engine, netting it an additional survivability bonus. This allows the Atlas to take inordinate amounts of punishment before succumbing to enemy fire, and makes the Atlas an ideal choice for defending positions from enemy attack. Furthermore, the Atlas is able to carry a wide array of electronics, allowing it to fill a support role while it takes punishment for the rest of its team.

Roles and Gameplay Hints

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The Atlas Prime is built towards command and control of large areas of the Map with its heavy, long-range firepower. 2 ERPPCs on the arms and twin LRM5s give it firepower at long range, while a Gauss Rifle provides a powerful punch at any range. If an enemy approaches too close to use the LRMs, the ERMLs come into the fight to keep the pressure on. A single LAMS protects the Atlas Prime from enemy missile fire while it supports its allies from afar. 5 DHS are plenty to keep heat in check, so long as the pilot doesn't lean too heavily on the PPCs.

Variant A

The Atlas A, dubbed "Mr. Bubbles", is armed with 3 RAC5, giving it incredible damage-per-second against enemy targets. This style of combat is very suited for the Atlas, as its heavy armor allows it to endure the return fire such an exposed method of combat brings with it, a luxury many other DPS based Mechs and tanks do not have. The twin DSRM4s require a different lead then the RACs, and thus are best used while your rotary cannons cool down or reload to screen yourself behind their exhaust and to shake the enemy, reducing the effectiveness of its counterstrike. They can also finish off heavily damaged targets in a pinch given their strong damage output. The biggest downside to this variant is its short effective range of only around 250 - 300m, especially since almost every other asset is faster then the Atlas. The RACs can be used further out, but the spread prevents them from dealing any significant damage, and the DSRMs alone are not enough to threaten anything bigger then a light Mech. Furthermore, this variant lacks LAMS to dissuade enemy missile fire, leaving the pilot vulnerable to screen shake from retaliatory fire, meaning that pilots should carefully approach their targets under the cover of GECM rather than march across the open field to fight. 8 tons of extra ammo are enough to keep all its weapons firing for a while, but caution must still be applied, because the Atlas is too slow to retreat should its ammo run out during combat.

Variant B

The B Variant is the only Atlas armed with a Heavy Gauss, giving it serious firepower at medium- to short-range. This terrifying weapon is supported by two PPCs, complimenting the HGauss' 700m range bracket. For even more close-range firepower, this variant is equipped with two MRM10 launchers. This leaves the Atlas B with excellent mid- and close-range firepower. Its 5 DHS are sufficient to handle almost continuous firing of the IS PPCs. A good tactic is to chain fire them to maximize enemy screen shake while the Heavy Gauss reloads between shots. AECM makes this range bracket ideal for this Atlas, allowing it to provide an umbrella of radar protection to allies while they march toward the enemy. However, the lack of LAMS means that this Atlas is quite vulnerable to enemy missile fire while it moves in - such coverage would need to be provided by friendly units instead. Chain firing the PPCs

Variant C

"The Big Bully" is designed to be a close-range powerhouse. Mounting a blistering array of SPLs, SBLs, DSRMs, and an UAC20, the Atlas C has the capacity to pummel anything that gets within 300m into oblivion in short order. GECM hides it from enemy radars and dual LAMS protects it from missiles. Overall, this variant's greatest strength is its ultimate weakness - outside of its ~300m range bracket, it is entirely useless, and being one of the slowest assets in the game, this leaves the Atlas C ill-suited choice for offensive maneuvers that expose it to enemy fire for long periods of time where it has no option to fight back. This leaves The Big Bully an option for defensive engagements, where it can force a close-range engagement from advancing enemy units, and where its extra armor and dual LAMS can keep it in massive firefights for extended periods of time. As such, the Atlas C is a perfect choice for static defensive duties, but little else beyond that.

Variant D

An homage to the classic AS7-D Atlas, the Atlas D is an economy solution. Snubbing advanced weaponry and electronics for older, cheaper tech, the Atlas D provides players with the chance to field the heavily-armored Atlas chassis relatively early compared to other Assault Mechs. Its firepower is primarily brought to bear at close range, with an AC20 being the main damage-dealer, while a DSRM6 exploits weakened sections. 4 Medium Beam Lasers provide some support fire at slightly further ranges, and a single LRM20 allows this Atlas to reach out and hit enemies at long-range, at once allowing it to soften enemies up while moving into closer ranges and also giving it the ability to retaliate against long-range snipers that outrun it. Switching to standard heat sinks means this Atlas runs warmer than other variants, though the heat is manageable with some trigger discipline. Lacking any electronics to speak of leaves this Atlas inferior in the electronics warfare department, though this also helps keep costs down. While the Atlas D may lack the raw firepower compared to some Atlas variants and the extensive electronics packages of others, the Atlas D is still a powerful asset in the right hands, and the low price tag allows it to get into more hands.

Variant E

The Atlas Variant E, officially dubbed the "Master & Commander" (and sometimes lovingly called the "Steiner scout Mech" by players) is outfitted with the most sophisticated electronics available. BHP gives it enormous sensor range, an advantage it can share with its comrades due to the C3 computer, while GECM keeps it hidden from detection. Dual LAMS offer itself and nearby allies good protection from missile barrages, and the iNARC enables it to select targets for friendly missile artillery. The armament of 2 ERLBLs and 2 LRM15s give it long range firepower similar to most long-range IS heavy Mechs and 2 ERMBL add a little extra firepower at medium ranges. Overall, it cannot expect to defeat Clan heavy and assault Mechs on its own. But, as the anchor that keeps the forces rallied, single combat is not amongst its tasks. It is supposed to be the leader of a pack, giving them cover, giving them information, giving them protection, and giving them their targets to slay.

Variant F

Variant G


Before version 0.3.0, the Atlas was referred to as a swimming pool or glass bulb. The top part of the head was made entirely of glass, appearing for units or BA above it as an empty space, often leading to surprise when a direct hit on the pilot didn't result in a kill. In the 0.3.0 release, a metal helmet-like cover was added to the head, changing the appearance of the unit, though still not giving it the instantly recognizable skull-head/death's mask due to technical limitations. A head modeled entirely as a skull would make it nearly impossible to pilot the unit, due to obscured vision.



"A ’Mech as powerful as possible, as impenetrable as possible, and as ugly and foreboding as conceivable, so that fear itself will be our ally."
— Aleksandr Kerensky

The Atlas, or "Death's Head" as it was nicknamed by MechWarriors, is a 100 ton Assault 'Mech built in the period leading up to the fall of the Star League. The first appearance of this 'Mech on the battlefield was during the Amaris Civil War, as the forces of General Kerensky sought to retake Terra and end the rule of Stefan the Usurper. When Kerensky sounded the call that was to become the Exodus, most of the Atlas pilots in the SLDF refused to respond, and thus the 'Mech remained in the Inner Sphere where it would go on to many years of glory.

Originally the Atlas was one of the first units to mount the AC20, supported by a uniquely configured LRM20. Utilizing a faster than usual reload mechanism, the launcher fired 20 missiles from five tubes in the time a traditional LRM20 launcher would shoot a single salvo and reload. Additional support weapons were 4 Medium Lasers and a single SRM6 launcher. A small dish antenna mounted on the Atlas' head allowed communication with orbital units or satellites, and it could be folded inside of head. Until the rediscovery of ferro-fibrous armor in the mid-3030s, the Atlas was the most heavily armored 'Mech to ever walk the battlefield.
BattleTech Reference