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Archangel spin.gif
Class: Assault Mech
Faction: Inner Sphere
Ticket cost: 15 upon destruction
Tier: 15
Tonnage: 100 tons
Speed: 54 km/h
Torso yaw: 360°
Torso pitch: -30° to +40° while standing
-30° to +50° while crouching
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
Price: 122 800 CBills
Total armor: 94 360
Engine Size: Immortus 300 Compact Fusion
Price: 118 900 CBills
Total armor: 92 754
Engine Size: Immortus 300 Compact Fusion
Price: 116 500 CBills
Total armor: 94 360
Engine Size: Immortus 300 Compact Fusion
Price: 112 700 CBills
Total armor: 94 360
Engine Size: Immortus 300 Compact Fusion
Price: 126 300 CBills
Total armor: 94 360
Engine Size: Immortus 300 Compact Fusion
Price: 127 100 CBills
Total armor: 92 754
Engine Size: Immortus 300 Compact Fusion
Armor Points Distribution

All stats current as of release 0.15.3

The Archangel is an unconventional 100t Inner Sphere Assault Mech that uses the latest in Inner Sphere technology to create the ultimate defense Mech. On the surface, with a typical armament similar to a Mech half its size, a slow max speed of 54 km/h, and an extremely wide profile, the Archangel looks to be a poor contender for its price and tonnage. However, the Archangel's secret lies within it's unique technology to create an ultra-specialised "zombie" mech that refuses to be destroyed. A Compact Fusion Engine reduces damage transfer from destroyed side and back torso plates even more so than the Standard Engine used by the Atlas. Combined with carrying the maximum amount of armor for its tonnage, a pilot can use damage spreading to absorb a tremendous amount of punishment while suffering less penalties when taking hits on destroyed components. Typically mounting GECM or even Stealth Armor, the Archangel has the potential to avoid damage entirely by remaining undetected on radar and frustrating attempts to lock on with Missile Weapons. Finally, for when a situation gets too dangerous even for such a tough Mech, the Archangel mounts Improved Jump Jets allowing it to vault out of harm's way and into covered positions, greatly extending its survivability. With all of these elements in concert, the Archangel makes the ultimate base defender and contester, able to easily absorb or frustrate any attempt to damage it, making up for its poor weapons compliment simply by outlasting the competition.

Roles and Gameplay Hints


Note: This asset has both C3 and GECM, meaning there is no benefit to using passive radar.

Variant A

Variant B

Variant C

The Archangel C has scarcely more firepower than a Catapult B, but close to double the armor. Unlike the Catapult though, the Archangel C can peek around corners and fire just one of its two MRM30s while avoiding exposing most of its torso. The C's MRM30s are mounted low on its arms, so pilots are advised to fully clear hills and other vertical outcroppings before firing. Ammo is a major concern, the C has only two free tons of ammo and doesn't have the speed to make frequent trips to rearm. It may be helpful to coordinate with an ally to bring an APC closer to the battle in order to provide ammo. Against BA the C can use its powerful Improved Jump Jets to dislodge a stow away, or distance itself before dumping a spray of MRMs on the BA. The iJJs also help with the minimum range of the MRM30s. Jump backwards, then fire. Due to the streaming nature of MRM30s, they should often be chain fired to give a sustained screen shake against slower targets. Rounding out the C, GECM provides protection from enemy radar allowing the Archangel to avoid long range fire as it approaches and enabling it to catch the enemy unawares.

Variant D - "Deimos"

The Archangel D, like all Archangels, makes up for it's lack of weaponry with substantial armor and Improved Jump Jets. But it doesn't stop there. The D is equipped with stealth armor allowing it to close in on unsuspecting enemies and hiding it from their c3 network. This makes the D an excellent choice when dealing with enemy Artillery and aerospace.

The D's Improved Jump Jets allow it to quickly escape behind walls, over cliffs, and even straight up to avoid enemy fire while its UAC20 cools down or unjams. Players are advised to be careful when using the D's jump jets, since stealth armor disables coolant use. To avoid being defeated by a single flamer Solitaire players should coordinate with their allies for protection. When dealing with enemy Flamers, solo, sometimes it's better to hold fire on all weapons or even power down until the enemy's flamers are recharging.

Variant E - "Phobos"


The 100-ton Archangel represents the pinnacle of Cortland/Vapula’s Celestial series, yet its design departs quite radically from others in the line. Intended as a command unit or an anchor for assault and defense formations, this beast sports a compact engine, gyro, and cockpit—sacrificing tonnage for sheer survivability. An endo-steel chassis helps alleviate the weight costs, but only slightly, leaving this machine with only 36 tons of pod space for weapons—a pittance compared to most OmniMechs in its tonnage. However, with this design approach, the Archangel becomes a virtual zombie on the battlefield, often standing through withering fire that would crush or cripple any other assault ’Mech in production today.

Date Introduced 3069 during the Era known as "Jihad" (3068 - 3085) - Unit Role: OmniMech Assault

BattleTech Reference