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===Variant E===
===Variant E===
The most expensive and dedicated to brawling Chimera variant, Chimera E offers some blistering close range firepower and the speed to close the distance, while still suffering from the asset's glass jaw. Somewhat comparable to the B variant, its lack of electronics and lock-on weapons allows it to utilize its superior firepower while laying low under passive radar. Its opening punch is offered by a [[DSRM6]], the Chimera E being the cheapest asset to sport it, accompanied by the sustained firepower of five(!) [[SXPL]]. Antsy to close the distance and turn metal into slag, it sacrificed one of its old pair of [[MBL]]s for a [[MASC]], allowing it to catch up to anything slower than a solitaire that doesn't sport MASC of its own. All of this heat is barely contained by 4 [[DHS|Double Heat Sinks]], so care should be taken not to MASC straight into an fight, affording some time for heat levels to drop, and generally avoiding prolonged engagements. No free tons mean that the Chimera E will be putting its speed to use for ammo runs after every couple of fights.
The most expensive and dedicated to brawling Chimera variant, Chimera E offers some blistering close range firepower and the speed to close the distance, while still suffering from the asset's glass jaw. Somewhat comparable to the B variant, its lack of electronics and lock-on weapons allows it to utilize its superior firepower while laying low under passive radar. Its opening punch is offered by a [[DSRM6]], the Chimera E being the cheapest asset to sport it, accompanied by the sustained firepower of five(!) [[SXPL]]. Antsy to close the distance and turn metal into slag, it sacrificed one of its old pair of [[MBL]]s for a [[MASC]], allowing it to catch up to anything slower than a solitaire that doesn't sport MASC of its own. All of this heat is barely contained by 4 [[DHS|Double Heat Sinks]], so care should be taken not to MASC straight into an fight, affording some time for heat levels to drop, and generally avoiding prolonged engagements. One free ton of ammo allows it to stay engaged in battle for a respectable amount of time.
===Variant F===
===Variant F===

Revision as of 20:35, 21 February 2018

Class: Medium Mech
Faction: Inner Sphere
Ticket cost: 5 upon destruction
Tier: 2
Speed: 97 km/h (136 km/h with MASC)
Torso yaw: 260°
Torso pitch: -34° to +45° while standing
-34° to +55° while crouching
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
Price: 46 600 CBills
Total armor: 36 465
Engine Size:
Price: 49 500 CBills
Total armor: 36 465
Engine Size:
Price: 52 600 CBills
Total armor: 36 465
Engine Size:
Price: 46 500 CBills
Total armor: 36 465
Engine Size:
Price: 47 000 CBills
Total armor: 33 255
Engine Size:
Price: 58 300 CBills
Total armor: 36 465
Engine Size:
Price: 44 300 CBills
Total armor: 36 465
Engine Size:
Price: 51 500 CBills
Total armor: 36 465
Engine Size:

All stats current as of release 0.15.3 </div>

The Chimera is a 'Mech introduced with the Final Beta 0.7.0 release. There had been rumors about it floating around in the forum for a long time, but it was never confirmed until the release of alpha footage of it during the MWLL Media Release: Alpha Tester Shenanigans Video

Care should be taken when using this asset, as its flimsy armor means that it operates more like an oversized light mech rather than a workhorse medium, a fact mirrored in its cheap cbill and ticket cost.

Roles and Gameplay Hints


The Chimera Prime is a medium range skirmisher. It's biggest gun is its torso mounted MRM20, accompanied by a single ERLBL reaching out to 800m and a pair of ERMBL that come into play at 600m, roughly the edge of its missile launcher's sweet spot. Jump Jets allow the Prime to pop out of cover and unleash an alpha strike, preferably against larger, slower targets that are more likely to take the MRM launcher's full salvo, but its single DHS means that a cooling period must follow each strike, as all of the variant's weapons generate a good deal of heat. A single Machine Gun provides some extra defence against Battle Armor. Being unable to afford any extra tons for MRM ammo, pilots should keep an eye on their reserves, as running dry means that its firepower will be significantly gimped.

Variant A

The Chimera A is a pretty straightforward long range fire support unit. Its main firepower comes in the form of an indirect LRM15 launcher fed by a single free ton and a direct fire ERPPC capable of deactivating enemy NARC beacons, but liable to accidentally doing the same to friendly ones, condemning the variant to working at half capacity against NARCed targets. Backing those up against enemies that close with 500m is a pair of MBL. Not being able to afford the extended range models means that the sweet spot between all guns firing and its missile launcher's minimum range is even smaller, and pilots are better off outright avoiding close range engagements, using their backup lasers' range as a cue to break off and increase the distance. Its sole DHS struggles to manage the heat generated by continuous fire.

Variant B

The Chimera B is best used as bait that bites back. Players shouldn't be misled by its close range complement of an SSRM6, two MXPL and four SBL and consider this just another brawler, as this variant's defining feature is its AECM suite and mobility. The Chimera B works best in a lance, hiding its allies' radar signals, delaying lock-on and breaking NARC beacons. Its Improved Jump Jets allow it some flexibility in deciding when to jump into the close range required to make full use of its weapons, or put some distance and preferably allies between itself and the enemy, due to its long window of engagement and the Chimera's inherently flimsy armor and unfavourable hitboxes. A single DHS doesn't afford it the heat dissipation necessary for prolonged engagements.

Variant C

A mid range skirmisher similar to the Prime, the Chimera C sacrifices its jumpjets for increased damage potential. Upgrading its MRM launcher to a 30 and swapping its hitscan Large Laser for a splash capable PPC, the C packs a meaner alpha at medium range, but increases the pilot's need to lead their aim and gives them a harder time against small targets. 4 SBL and the MRM launcher's short minimum range mean that despite not usually being the one to enter close combat, it's more likely to be the one to leave it, but at the same time it has a hard time bringing out its full firepower without being cornered. A single DHS necessitates avoiding prolonged engagements and no free tons for its missile launcher will leave it dry after just over a minute of continuous fire.

Variant D

A straightforward ultra-long range fire support unit. Equipped with a Light Gauss Rifle and ELRM15 launcher, the Chimera D works best perched on a hill outside the range of most return fire and harassing enemies kept at bay by its allies. Two free tons give each of the weapons an extension to their operating time and a pair of Machine Guns offer some protection against BA and extra ultra-long range harassment. The nature of its weapons allows it to attack the air as competently as the ground, but having another ton stripped off the Chimera's already weak armor means distance is its defence, and it's unlikely to survive any kind of retaliation, attack runs included. Like most ultra-long range assets its damage isn't overly impressive, while its missile launcher necessitates running active, making spotting it a trifle for flanking enemies. Despite lacking any heatsinks outside of its reactor whatsoever, it doesn't generate significant heat either.

Variant E

The most expensive and dedicated to brawling Chimera variant, Chimera E offers some blistering close range firepower and the speed to close the distance, while still suffering from the asset's glass jaw. Somewhat comparable to the B variant, its lack of electronics and lock-on weapons allows it to utilize its superior firepower while laying low under passive radar. Its opening punch is offered by a DSRM6, the Chimera E being the cheapest asset to sport it, accompanied by the sustained firepower of five(!) SXPL. Antsy to close the distance and turn metal into slag, it sacrificed one of its old pair of MBLs for a MASC, allowing it to catch up to anything slower than a solitaire that doesn't sport MASC of its own. All of this heat is barely contained by 4 Double Heat Sinks, so care should be taken not to MASC straight into an fight, affording some time for heat levels to drop, and generally avoiding prolonged engagements. One free ton of ammo allows it to stay engaged in battle for a respectable amount of time.

Variant F

The cheapest of its variants, Chimera F is a close range skirmisher and brawler, combining mid and close range weapons. Within 600m the F opens up with an explosive round firing AC10 and a pair of always reliable ERMBL, giving it the ability to harass opponents while looking for an opportune moment to enter into close combat. At close range a pair of ERSBL strengthens its pinpoint strike, quickly followed by a SRM6 launcher, providing a one-two punch of explosive weapons with screen shake and splash damage, followed by a pinpoint energy strike. One free ton for ammo is usually reserved for the more ammo-hungry missile launcher, while a complete lack of extra heatsinks limits the unit's effectiveness to hit and fade tactics and short engagements.

Variant G

The Chimera G is a bit of an awkward NARC carrier. Equipped with a standard NARC launcher, not the improved variant, the Chimera G will have to get within 500m of its targets, well into medium range, in order to successfully mark one with a NARC beacon. Unfortunately, it doesn't have any of the supporting equipment these units usually come with, so it's more suited to mingling with skirmishers or approaching brawlers rather than being relied upon to designate targets in long range stand-offs. Its main point defence is a single LXPL usable from 750m away, but its direct fire, long window of engagement nature means it's not too helpful when making a weary approach with the intent of NARCing and running, neither is its LRM20's long lock-on time. While the missile launcher can take advantage of its own NARC beacon, it's useless against enemies that manage to close within 200m and with a single free ton for ammo, reserved for six extra NARC shots, it will be left dry after a handful of salvoes. A single DHS can't manage the intense heat generated both in streams and bursts by its two weapons, but it was never designed for prolonged engagements in the first place.



BattleTech Reference