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| Image = File:Shadowcat.jpg
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| Class = Medium
| Class = Medium
| Faction = Clan
| Faction = Clan

Revision as of 00:00, 30 October 2019

Class: Medium Mech
Faction: Clan
Ticket cost: 7 upon destruction
Tier: 7
Tonnage: 45 tons
Speed: 97 km/h (136 km/h with MASC)
Torso yaw: 260°
Torso pitch: -35° to +50° while standing
-35° to +60° while crouching
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
Price: 64 500 CBills
Total armor: 40 364
Engine Size: RFUM 270 XL
Price: 62 500 CBills
Total armor: 44 220
Engine Size: RFUM 270 XL
Price: 62 900 CBills
Total armor: 44 220
Engine Size: RFUM 270 XL
Price: 68 000 CBills
Total armor: 38 436
Engine Size: RFUM 270 XL
Price: 64 700 CBills
Total armor: 42 292
Engine Size: RFUM 270 XL
Price: 66 000 CBills
Total armor: 42 292
Engine Size: RFUM 270 XL
Price: 68 000 CBills
Total armor: 42 292
Engine Size: RFUM 270 XL
Price: 68 800 CBills
Total armor: 42 292
Engine Size: RFUM 270 XL
Armor Points Distribution

All stats current as of release 0.15.3

A Clan Medium Mech, the Shadowcat is an incredibly versatile platform with good speed, maneuverability, and firepower, making it worth every penny. It absolutely devastates Light Mechs, and can go toe to toe with many heavier Mechs if used intelligently. Possessing speed nearly on par with light Mechs, as well as some of the hardest hitting weapons available, the Shadowcat is an excellent multi-classer. The only dull points that blemish the Shadowcat's otherwise excellent capabilities are its limited ammo space and a lack of armor, significantly lower than other medium Mechs.

Shadowcat variants tend to carry their weapons almost exclusively in their arms, making these components a prime target. The arms are also very lightly armored, if not always easy to hit. Protection of the arms is of paramount importance to Shadowcat pilots. The Mech's low profile makes aimed shots directed at a specific component (other than its arms) extremely difficult, which is compounded by its high speed. As a result, Shadowcats usually have incoming damage spread throughout all of their components.

Roles and Gameplay Hints


The Shadowcat Prime is an agile sniper capable of dealing large amounts of damage at medium- to long-range. Armed with one CGauss and a pair of CERML's, aimed with the assistance of EOptics, the Shadowcat Prime is a grown-up Uller A, but with extra armor and maneuverability enhancing equipment. The MASC and Jumpjets, in their standard version, fixed to the chassis give it a mobility that most other snipers lack, but its single DHS, one more than the aforementioned Uller, helps it deal with the extra heat load. A free ton allows an extra reload for the CGauss, but the Shadowcat Prime must still make frequent return trips to rearm.

Variant A

The A variant is armed with one of the most powerful weapons in MWLL: the CUAC20. Fed by an extra ton of ammo, it has terrific damage potential for a medium Mech, and when coupled with its Improved Jumpjet-enhanced maneuverability and MASC system, the Shadowcat A makes for a terrifying hit-and-run brawler, a task for which half a ton of extra armor has been added. Three CERSLs provide supplementary firepower capable of Anti-BA work, as well as finishing off units that manage to survive the UAC20 barrage. Despite this incredible killing power, the A variant futilely tries to manage its heat with but a single DHS, limiting its otherwise outstanding capabilities.

Variant B

The Shadowcat B is plays a similar role to the Shadowcat A, mounting a close-range, high-powered weapon. Armed with one LBX20, an SRM6 and a twin MGs, the B variant is all about close-range firepower. Utilizing MASC the Shadowcat B can close in quickly on enemy units before pummeling them with its powerful loadout. Improved Jump Jets allow the Shadowcat B to move along otherwise impassable elements of the battlefield, making it a mobile and very dangerous ambusher, especially in environments with lots of obstacles like urban theaters. The single free ton for reloads will make the pilot think twice before committing it to any of the two hungry ammo guzzlers. Especially as the Autocannon is more likely to be targeted by an aware adversary - it might prove wiser to carry spare SRM ammo to a duel. The single DHS will certainly struggle in hands of an rookie or anyone careless enough to overtax it with the many heat loading systems onboard this sophisticated medium war machine.
While this units selling point is the quite overwhelming firepower in such a mobile package, remember it comes at a price - less heat capacity and most of the firepower gets shoot off early by an weary opponent. Not for the faint of heart.

Variant C - "Zaytsev"

The C variant forgoes the comparably diverse loadouts of other Shadowcat variants in favor of extreme long-range firepower. Mounting one CERPPC and a Gauss Rifle, the Shadowcat C can deal huge amounts of damage at very long-range. When coupled with Jump Jets and Eoptics, the C variant is a deadly Jump Sniper, superior even to the Shadowcat Prime. One free ton allows a reload for the CGauss, giving the Shadowcat C moderate staying power. Losing the sole DHS of the Prime and gaining the blistering heat spike of the clan version of the particle projector cannon, along with the MASC standard to all shadowcats, makes this variant nice and toasty. Cramming all that load onto a Shadowcat meant that half of that free ton for reloads had to be stripped from its armor, making it one of the most fragile variants.

Variant D

The agility of the Shadowcat chassis perfectly complements the needs of a NARC launcher, quickly able to bob and weave in and out of dangerous positions to land a beacon. Even without a team supporting you with allied missiles, your beacon is more than payed for by homing in devastating salvos of High Explosive ATM and Clan LRM20. The Clan engineered LRM20's reduced, 20m minimum range really shine on this 'Mech, once you get a handle on managing your missiles turn radius', this Shadowcat can drop mechs anywhere from 0 - 1375m, and even from behind cover and around walls. While boasting some impressive damage numbers, remember that the two missile pods are the only weapons aboard this mech- and it takes a seasoned mech pilot to reliably guide them to a specific component- and even then, are easily shielded against. This further highlights the capacity for teamwork and coordination granted by the NARC launcher. This mech is a VIP member in any LRM, ATM or ARROWIV focused team.

Variant E

The Shadow Cat E is a heavy mid range damage over time mech. It does this job very well thanks to its one CHLL which can cause plenty of damage if the user can keep the beam steady on the enemy mech. Its 3 CMPLs help to exploit any weak areas that are created by the heavy laser. A great mech to take if you are looking to cut off enemy arms and more then one of these mechs can make the enemy's life rather difficult if the Shadow Cat closes range to fire. The mech hard mounts MASC and Improved Jumpjets as well which allows it make precise hit and run attacks on a target while its 6 Double Heat Sinks dissipate the heat from the Heavy Laser. Care must be taken not to fire the laser while using its equipment in straight on engagements as it can cause you to overheat, but heat conscious pilots can do some jump strikes with the use of cover. Any cockpit shake can also work against this Shadow Cat while its firing its laser and will cause its damage to spread out more.

Variant F

A stand-off Mech utilising almost exclusively long range weaponry. The primary weapon is a HAG30 reaching over 1250m. Backed by 2 Free Tons of ammo storage gives it staying power to inflict massive amounts of damage. At 900 meters the CERLL inflicts pinpoint 692.31 of Energy Damage, helping to finish off your opponent. Both weapons are well supported for passive long range engagements by the EOptics package for keeping your eye on the enemy and the Improved Jumpjets allowing poptarting from behind any kind of cover. When caught in close range, it can utilize MASC to break distance, and resume long range offensive operations or even back capping a base. 1 DHS can handle the CERLL.

Variant G

A night-prowler and a scout, hot in both roles, the mere DHS trio is heavily taxed by either the cERPPC or the feared ATM9(HE). All that's "money for nothing" are the two clantech small heavy-lasers, but still barely so. If the weapons stay silent, the movement enhancing equipment consisting of both MASC and improved jump jets will bring this unit far, and fastly so, however utmost caution is to be exerted not to rush into the height of a battle with the heat scale close to the alarm region! The GECM will provide for some leeway this unit will direly need in it's endeavors, but won't be able to cover any treacherous radar spikes that occur if the heat reaches over the alarm levels.
Selling point? A scout, fast, mobile and with a firing solution for almost every range and quite many situations. For the experienced players with developed situation awareness and heat management.


Since update 0.9.0, the Shadowcat chassis has enjoyed fixed Improved Jump Jets, which are counted as weighing as much as normal Jump Jets. Despite the weight savings and added mobility, variant cost is still affected.


Introduced in 3003, the Shadow Cat is a heavily-armed and maneuverable medium OmniMech developed by Clan Nova Cat to replace the Ice Ferret in the early 31st century during preparations for Operation Revival. Fulfilling the role of a heavy-hitting striker unit, it is one of the few Invasion-era Clan mechs to lack a separate Inner Sphere designation; all Inner-Sphere pilots who encountered it before the battle of Tukayyid died, and ComStar was informed of its designation before that battle, resulting in both sides using the same name. The Prime variant of the MWLL Shadowcat lacks the Active Probe of the CBT Shadowcat, and hard-mounts Improved Jump Jets rather than standard ones.

BattleTech Reference