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Owens spin.gif
Class: Light Mech
Faction: Inner Sphere
Ticket cost: 3 upon destruction
Tier: 6
Tonnage: 35 tons
Speed: 129.6 km/h (181 km/h with MASC)
Torso yaw: 180°
Torso pitch: -19° to +30° while standing
-19° to +40° while crouching
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
Price: 42 750 CBills
Total armor: 34 077
Engine Size: VOX 280 XL
Price: 40 750 CBills
Total armor: 34 077
Engine Size: VOX 280 XL
Price: 42 650 CBills
Total armor: 34 077
Engine Size: VOX 280 XL
Price: 44 050 CBills
Total armor: 34 077
Engine Size: VOX 280 XL
Price: 48 650 CBills
Total armor: 34 077
Engine Size: VOX 280 XL
Price: 40 450 CBills
Total armor: 34 077
Engine Size: VOX 280 XL
Price: 45 550 CBills
Total armor: 34 077
Engine Size: VOX 280 XL
Price: 42 150 CBills
Total armor: 34 077
Engine Size: VOX 280 XL
Armor Points Distribution

All stats current as of release 0.15.3

The Owens is primarily a scout, but can fill other roles as it is in a 4-way tie for the starter asset with the most armor. All Owens come with excellent electronics: C3, BAP, and TAG. Owens have single heat sinks, making them cool more slowly than most other starters.

Roles and Gameplay Hints


Starter Asset

LRM boat and scout. Good starter asset for late joiners in mid- to late-game.

Player Comments:
Chain-fire the LRM5s to spread out screen-shake. Group-fire them when the enemy has LAMS. Lock on is fast, but unnecessary, the Prime can use TAG for quick shots without a lock and for extending range. Watch out for the LRM's minimum range.
- Warlord Kentax

Variant A

Starter Asset

Filling a similar role to the Owens G, the Owens A is a midrange skirmisher. The A doesn't have the impressive close combat weapons or speed of brawling Owens, but it can hold its own against enemies in close combat by damage spreading or briefly taking cover while its two AC5s recycle. This long recycle time also allows the A to effectively poke at long range. And the AC5s' slim profile help ensure that the A's arms will stay attached despite enemies' attempts to remove them. Two SLs may seem like an afterthought, but they further improve the A's ability to brawl and differentiate it from the Owens G. The A's main downside is a lack of spare ammo. Players are advised to keep an eye on their ammo counter to ensure that they don't run out at a crucial moment.

Variant B

Starter Asset

The new Owens B is the only pure close-range brawler Owens at game start, capable of circling its prey, pummeling it with a continuous barrage of fire. The B variant mounts 2 SSRM4s, 2 SPLs, and carries 2 free tons for ammo. It can be considered the younger brother of the D and F variants, combining dual launchers with the lock on capabilities of SSRMs. Despite having lost the MASC of its previous iteration for the sake of lowering its price, it's one of the most survivable assets at game start by merit of being an Owens. Like most Owens variants, the Owens B also employs C3 in conjunction with a BAP. Its TAG lets it paint hostile targets for missile barrages. Its heat is now more manageable, but that is more due to losing its MASC rather than the second HS it gained.

Variant C

Owens C is a close-in to medium range knife fighter. It carries 4 MLs and 2 SLs, which gives it fearsome medium to close-range pin-point damage. The heat generated by 6 Lasers is mostly offset by the addition of 3 Heat Sinks, allowing the Owens C to use its MASC for longer periods of time. Using Energy Weapons also means the Owens C isn't constrained by ammunition, allowing it to fight for much longer than other mechs. It basically can stay out until it needs repairs. The impressive sustained speed from the heat sinks and MASC, coupled with C3, BAP, and TAG makes the Owens C one of the best high-speed scout mechs in the game, and a perfect match for long range artillery like Long Toms or Arrows.

Variant D

The 'D' variant is very similar in nature to the B. Instead of 2 SPLs, the D mounts 2 SLs, generating less heat and dealing less damage over time for the sake of a higher alpha. The D's two SRM6s don't have the tracking of the B's missile system, but makes up for it with a tighter missile spread and larger launcher size. Just like the B variant, the D has 2 free tons of ammo. It's one of two Owens variants equipped with MASC, and along with the combination of missile launchers that don't need a lock and higher alpha lasers make it capable of rushing in, unloading an alpha strike and diving behind the nearest cover before the enemy has much time to react. Its sole single heatsink, along with its now reduced heat requirements, allow for decent use of the MASC system and the fact that it has BAP makes it an excellent scout and hit-and-run mech. A mech pilot who can land every shot from this mech can deal out massive damage over a short period of time. Like all the other Owens it too has TAG but most pilots leave the tagging to other TAG equipped mechs.

Variant E

Starter Asset

The Owens E, carrying some hefty hitting power in the form of two MRM10s backed by 2 MLs, is easily the most heavily armed Owens variant. However, it is less useful early game due to the relative inaccuracy of MRMs. It is, however, a god-send for latecomers, allowing them to threaten heavier, slower, more expensive mechs in the late game, and still having enough speed to run away should things go badly. The Owens E also does an excellent job of mopping up starter tanks and hovercraft at short range, though not too close due to the minimum range of MRMs. The E has no extra tons of ammo and the MRMs should be fired conservatively to avoid running out. Being an Owens, the E can quickly return to base for more ammo, but Mechwarriors should be cautious of their ammo consumption just the same. While the E does have BAP it is far from the best Owens for scouting. The C or D variants work much better for scouting. All of the weapons that the E carries are in it's arms, unlike most other Owens that carry some weapons in the torso. Mechwarriors should be careful to protect their arms while piloting the E. Again, like all Owens variants, the E has TAG.

Variant F

The F variant the most expensive and one of the hardest-hitting Owens, mounting 3 Medium Pulse Lasers, combined with an SSRM6 w/ Lock on Guidance and 1 extra to of ammo for some disruptive power and a powerful punch. Not as capable of hit and run as the C, due to its lack of MASC, but the lock on nature of its launcher and large array of pulse lasers coupled with BAP radar means this mech is meant to stay close and brawl it out. While having an easier time of consistently dealing full damage, it has a harder time spreading damage simultaneously, as it needs to keep staring its opponent down in order to maintain lock and for the pulse laser damage to build up. 2 Heat Sinks allows the F some ability to handle the massive heat load from the pulse lasers and because the F has no MASC there is no other system on the mech competing for heat capacity.

Variant G

Starter Asset

The Owens G carries 1 ERLL and 1 LL giving it a range much longer than that of other light mechs. At only 42,150 CBills, the G is barely available at the start of a match. Unfortunately, most Mechs so early in the game are very fast and will close on the G too quickly for it to make proper use of it's long range. Unless a good sniping position is readily available, the G can find itself unable to leverage its superior range and pinpoint accuracy. Both of the weapons that the G carries are in it's arms, unlike most other Owens that carry some weapons in the torso. Mechwarriors should be careful to protect their arms while piloting the G. Where the G really shines is using its BAP, C3, and TAG as a long range scout for missile boats. This is especially effective against large groups of slower targets at the 1300m maximum range of TAG. This makes the G a good late game joiner if your team has acquired a few long range missile assets.



The Owens is intended to be an OmniMech upgrade of the Jenner BattleMech. The intended role for the Owens is as a cavalry 'Mech that can move along the enemy lines and designate targets for bombardment with Arrow IV artillery attacks. The Owens is a strong spotting unit for artillery and Semi-Guided LRMs as well as a point 'Mech for C3 lances with its permanently mounted TAG laser designator and C3 Slave unit. The Owens is also outfitted with a permanently mounted Beagle Active Probe that allows the 'Mech to detect hidden enemy units. The Owens has a top speed of 129.6 km/h and is protected with seven tons of armor. The 'Mech's unique mix of speed, armor, and electronic warfare equipment make the Owens a valuable asset in urban and dense woods or jungle environments where it can find an enemy unit that is hidden, designate them for an artillery strike, and then leave the area at high speeds. Notable Pilots - Silvercraft -MERC, Bear "OEM" - IS, _Recoil_ - CL

Date Introduced 3056 during the Era known as "Clan Invasion" (3050 - 3061) - Unit Role: Missile Boat

BattleTech Reference