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[[Osiris.jpg | 350px]]
[[Osiris.jpg | 350px]]
Class: Light Mech
Faction: Inner Sphere
Ticket cost: 1 upon destruction
Tier: {{{Tier}}}
Speed: 118.8 km/h (166 km/h with MASC)
Torso yaw: 360°
Torso pitch: -24° to +35° while standing
-24° to +45° while crouching
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
Price: 34 600 CBills
Total armor: 29 693
Engine Size:
Price: 33 400 CBills
Total armor: 29 693
Engine Size:
Price: 32 000 CBills
Total armor: 31 524
Engine Size:
Price: 36 650 CBills
Total armor: 27 863
Engine Size:
Price: 32 300 CBills
Total armor: 26 031
Engine Size:
Price: 34 100 CBills
Total armor: 26 031
Engine Size:
Price: 41 000 CBills
Total armor: 29 693
Engine Size:
Price: {{{Price G}}} CBills
Total armor: 26 031
Engine Size:

All stats current as of release 0.15.3 </div>

The Osiris is an Inner Sphere Light Mech that packs heavy firepower and maneuverability at the cost of very limited armor. With a relatively similar appearance to the Raven, an Osiris can be difficult to hit if the pilot maneuvers well and uses available cover effectively, but if blows start to land, or if the Osiris runs out of space to move, death can come rather abruptly. All Osirises, except for the A and D variants are equipped with Jump Jets, making it easy for pilots to approach and escape using unanticipated directions.

Roles and Gameplay Hints


The Osiris Prime packs a heavy-hitting close- to mid-range arsenal on a fairly maneuverable platform with the heavier armour of the Osiris brawler trio. 4 ERMBLs provide the main punch, reaching out and damaging the enemy at appreciable range, while an SRM6 gives it an extra little boost in firepower at close range. The Prime Variant is a brawler at heart, and is meant to dash into enemy lines, disrupting coordination and line-of-sight, all the while pummeling targets with its varied weaponry. Thanks to its battery of lasers, it also excels at hunting Battle Armor, allowing larger friendly Mechs to focus on juicier targets in relative safety.

Variant A

The A variant focuses entirely on Energy Weapons. Its 3 MXPLs offer impressive firepower at medium-range, and its SSRM4 pack give the Osiris A a well-rounded profile. The A variant is an effective Light Mech hunter using its speed and impressive torso rotation to lay down a wall of pulse fire, even while at a full run. This variant lacks jump jets, and also has a very long window of engagement, owing to the fast-firing but low-damage per shot nature of its lasers. The second of the Osiris brawler trio, it's one of the better armored variants.

Variant B

The B variant is the most heavily armored Osiris variant, surpassing even the dedicated brawlers, and an excellent starter for late joiners. 2 MPLs give the Osiris B some close- and mid-range power, but most of its punch comes from its Tbolt10 and MRM10. Both weapons are difficult to land on smaller, faster targets, but allow the variant to pray on heavier assets, preferably jumping from cover with its jumpjets, against which more experienced players will find they can consistently land salvoes even while running passive radar.

Variant C

The C variant mounts 1 standard IS PPC, which gives it impressive striking power for a light Mech. This is backed by 2 SXPLs and an SRM6 pack for close-range work. Thanks to its high speed, 360° torso twist and good range, it can be used as a effective harasser and hit-and-run Mech, well suited to kiting enemies at range and finishing them off up close. A brawler at heart, it may find itself outgunned by other units at long range, but dedicated brawlers can still overwhelm it if not softened from afar.

Variant D

The D variant uses a LBL combined with an ERMBL and an MRM20 for a strong medium-range punch that can deal a lot of damage to an unsuspecting target. An Osiris D can quickly break cover, hit and run without taking much return fire, thanks to the cover its GECM provides from enemy radars while maintaining its full sensor range. On paper, the D variant has the strongest alpha strike of any Osiris, but the inconsistent nature of its MRM launcher means it's more likely to deal close to its full potential when targeting heavier assets, and thus not ideal against the faster assets near game start.

Variant E

The E variant carries a LtGauss along with two ERMBLs, giving it an especially long-range attack not common to light Mechs. Combined with EOptics, its iJJs and a free ton for carrying additional ammunition, the Osiris E is capable of striking at extreme distance and jump sniping with relative ease. Unfortunately, this Mech's firepower is quite limited at full output, something it's not really supposed to achieve as by the point it can hit its target with its medium lasers, the pilot should be thinking of ways to use the improved nature of its jumpjets to put an obstacle between them and reposition.

Variant F

Known as 'Rudolph', the Osiris F is the last of the better armored brawler trio, and even more brawl-oriented than the Osiris Prime due to its shorter maximum weapon range. In place of the ERMBLs, the F carries 6 ERSBLs which trade range for efficiency and fire rate. The Prime's SRM6 pack is replaced with an SSRM6 and this modification yields a bonus ton for carrying additional SSRMs. The F mitigates its severe lack of range with MASC, allowing it to very quickly close the gap and cripple other light Mechs, and combined with improved jump jets makes it the most agile Osiris variant. However, half of the F's lasers are carried in its right arm, so care must be taken to protect it from fire. In addition, the Osiris F is the most expensive variant available, costing 41 000 CBills.

Variant G

A long range alternative to the E, the Osiris G is capable of outputting its, slightly greater but still relatively anaemic, full firepower from a less extreme 900m out. The E's shortest ranged armament is an ERPPC accompanied by an LRM5 and a duo of AC2, with its damage dealing potential split relatively equally between weapon platforms. Overall, the Osiris G is an effective long-range sniper or fire support Mech and capable of jump sniping, although it carries one ton less armor than most other variants and should avoid brawls at all costs. This short-range weakness is excaberated by the loss of iJJs, making it far more difficult to escape dangerous situations and the fact that in order to use their full firepower it must run active radar, so the pilot should do their best to stay as close to the max range of its main weapon as possible. However, the AC2s can be extremely useful in hunting down Battle Armor, especially when they're in mid-jump.

Variant Evaluations

Section Out of Date
This section contains out-of-date information since the release of version 0.8.5. You may help MWLL Wiki by logging in and updating it.

These charts are supposed to give a rough evaluation on how useful the Variant in question is in different situations, and to show a more visible impression of its strengths and weaknesses.
For an explanation of the terms used visit the Evaluation Charts help page.

Variant vs. Ground vs. Air vs. BA Short Range Med. Range Long Range Extreme Range Support Efficiency


The Osiris is based on the Viper (IS codename Dragonfly), a Medium OmniMech design, and was built by the same engineers that produced the Anubis. While it compares well in terms of raw speed, it lacks the armor and the jump capabilities of the design it is based on, in addition to being ten tons lighter. It is also not compatible with modular components, making it a poor second cousin to a true OmniMech with its flexibility. Still, with an impressive array of five ER Medium Lasers, an SRM6 launcher, and double MGuns, it is an effective hit-and-fade-style offensive platform, though it can be plagued with heat issues if the pilot is not careful.
BattleTech Reference