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(Variant C - "MadHouse")
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Tough as nails with an extra half ton of armor, and packing a tremendous punch in its own weight class in any range.<br>
Tough as nails with an extra half ton of armor, and packing a tremendous punch in its own weight class in any range.<br>
The three [[CLRM5]] launchers will serve both tactical and strategical tasks with excellence. Once the three [[HML]] are brought to bear, the enemy will be whittled free of any armor or component foolishly put in harms way.<br>
The three [[CLRM5]] launchers apply both steady DPS and considerable screen shake, and once the three [[HML]]s are brought to bear, the enemy will be relieved of any component put in harms way.<br>
Trading mobility for endurance and heavy punch, this unit reaps the fruits of the latter two, although care must be taken not to fall victim to the former. The amount of staying power is not suffcient for prolonged engagements against similarly priced Inner Sphere heavy Mechs.<br>
Trading mobility for endurance and heavy punch, this unit reaps the fruits of the latter two, although care must be taken not to fall victim to the former. The armor level is not sufficient for prolonged engagements against similarly priced Inner Sphere heavy Mechs.<br>
Surprisingly, this variant is actually rather weak in a knife-fight brawl, preferring to stay at the 300-400 m range where its lasers and missles can more easily find their targets. Care must be taken not to allow a fast enemy asset to close withing the 30 m minimum range envelope of the [[CLRM]] launchers, as so will deny the pilot a considerable part of her damage output. Additionally a wary opponent that gets in close may shrug off several [[HML]] volleys by a mix of jump jets, [[MASC]], and torso twisting. As this chassis has no mobility equipment, it will be difficult to get back in LRM range once an opponent is on you.
Surprisingly, this variant is actually rather weak in a knife-fight brawl, preferring to stay at the 300-400 m range where its lasers and missles can more easily find their targets. Care must be taken not to allow a fast enemy asset to close withing the 30 m minimum range envelope of the [[CLRM]] launchers, as it will deny the pilot a considerable part of her damage output. Additionally a wary opponent that gets in close may shrug off several [[HML]] volleys by a mix of jump jets, [[MASC]], and torso twisting. As this chassis has no mobility equipment, it will be difficult to get back in LRM range once an opponent is on you.
===Variant D - ''"G.I."''===
===Variant D - ''"G.I."''===

Revision as of 07:17, 18 January 2020

Hellhound spin.gif
Class: Medium Mech
Faction: Clan
Ticket cost: 7 upon destruction
Tier: 7
Tonnage: 50 tons
Speed: 97 km/h
Torso yaw: 260°
Torso pitch: -34° to +50° while standing
-35° to +60° while crouching
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
Price: 66 000 CBills
Total armor: 49 561
Engine Size: 300 STD
Price: 59 200 CBills
Total armor: 48 061
Engine Size: 300 STD
Price: 77 300 CBills
Total armor: 52 274
Engine Size: XL
Price: 62 500 CBills
Total armor: 50 774
Engine Size: 300 STD
Price: 78 100 CBills
Total armor: 46 848
Engine Size: XL
Price: 59 600 CBills
Total armor: 49 275
Engine Size: 300 STD
Price: 74 000 CBills
Total armor: 45 348
Engine Size: 300 STD
Price: 65 600 CBills
Total armor: 45 348
Engine Size: 300 STD
Armor Points Distribution

All stats current as of release 0.15.3

The Conjurer - otherwise known as the Hellhound to Inner Sphere forces - is a Clan medium mech designed for frontline combat. Speed is sacrificed for lower price and increased survivability, helped in part by the usage of a Standard engine. All units are equipped with Enhanced Optics and a ground speed of 97 km/h. Relatively cheap for a clan chassis, it bridges the affordability gap between the high-end clan light mechs and the clan mediums. The Conjurer is also notable for its battlefield longevity, as all variants mount between 9.5 and 10.5 tons of armor, and are equipped with a standard engine, meaning that damage done to a destroyed side torso does not get a multiplier when it is applied to the center torso. This fact, combined with the lack of weapon mounts on the side torsos, make them particularly poor targets on this chassis, and skilled pilots should look to use them to soak damage when possible. The weapon mounts are spread across the center torso, the arms, and a pair of shoulder racks, making it generally inefficient to target individual weapon systems on this chassis, despite the relatively thin armor on those components.

Roles and Gameplay Hints


The CLPL was a weapon of disbelief and much aggravation to the Inner Sphere opponents during the invasion era, and rightly so - incredible pinpoint damage at 850 m means remote surgery at a range where few other weapons can easily compete. Add the motion augmenting equipment, and it means this variant can reach positions where a only few units can reach you and successfully retaliate.
The two CERML reach to 700 m, serving as backup weapons, and the CSRM4 will provide leverage should the fight close to knife distance.
The bulk of the fire power being energy based and reaching at least to 700m could designate this unit as an energy-boat skirmisher with missiles as a cooler backup weapon, but it can also fill the roll of a jump sniper as well (I.E. a "poptart").

Variant A

This vicious close range powerhouse packs 3 CMPL for precision midrange attacks and 2 ATM3(HE) for scathing close combat. This variant is a terror for against smaller assets with its ability to get into close range, deal high damage, and survive in a brawl for long periods of time. The only saving grace for the opposition is that this Hellhound often has its radar on to use its ATMs against more mobile targets meaning both teams will likely be aware of the fight making it a bad assassin brawler and more of a rank and file soldier unit for larger teamfights.

Variant B

Classical design. Everyone just loves those!
The daily driver really - LBX10 - check; CSRM4 - check; four ERSL -check;
As seen on TV, as driven in school or the Mechwarrior academy.
Better hurry up and snatch this one son, they go like crazy these days!
But in all seriousness, the variant is a powerhouse inside 450 m. Even with its LBX10 destroyed, the quad ERSL battery deals large laser damage with half the cooldown and significantly less heat. The JJs allows this unit to get in alpha strikes over hills, buildings, and other low cover, and the AECM allows this units to provide radar cover for its allies, while posing a close range threat to anyone that moves in on those under the radar umbrella.

Variant C - "MadHouse"

Tough as nails with an extra half ton of armor, and packing a tremendous punch in its own weight class in any range.
The three CLRM5 launchers apply both steady DPS and considerable screen shake, and once the three HMLs are brought to bear, the enemy will be relieved of any component put in harms way.
Trading mobility for endurance and heavy punch, this unit reaps the fruits of the latter two, although care must be taken not to fall victim to the former. The armor level is not sufficient for prolonged engagements against similarly priced Inner Sphere heavy Mechs.
Surprisingly, this variant is actually rather weak in a knife-fight brawl, preferring to stay at the 300-400 m range where its lasers and missles can more easily find their targets. Care must be taken not to allow a fast enemy asset to close withing the 30 m minimum range envelope of the CLRM launchers, as it will deny the pilot a considerable part of her damage output. Additionally a wary opponent that gets in close may shrug off several HML volleys by a mix of jump jets, MASC, and torso twisting. As this chassis has no mobility equipment, it will be difficult to get back in LRM range once an opponent is on you.

Variant D - "G.I."

"G.I." once stood for General Infantry - cheap, reliable and something that could be counted on. This exactly are the virtues that embellish this variant: the ever cool UAC10 with a spare ton of reloads, the three ammo efficient CSRM2 that will provide every so often screen shake - disrupting the opponents aim. The upgraded armor...
Nothing too special, nothing too fancy, just old school "lock and load" marines!
Stop wasting the time, get the stuff and jump in to the fray soldier, people are dying over there - marines lead the way!
This realtively cheap unit is ideal for rapid deployment for base defense, as while the DPS isn't incredible, the unit has both enough armor and a low enough profile that it won't likely be the first target focused, and thus can deal considerable damage over time. Most of this variant's value comes from its UAC10 arm, so pilots most be cautious not to lose it early into a fight. The SRM launchers may be chain fired for maximum stagger, or group fired like an SRM6 launcher with a shorter recycle time.

Variant E

A Clan classic if there ever was one. Two CERML, three ATM3 and lo and behold - Improved Jump Jets!
If you take care of where you stand and note how the battle is progressing, if you engage only aerial targets, and if you use your CERML sparingly for the occasional finishing blow, you might not even notice how hot this unit gets when used as a skirmisher.
Skirmishers should jump out of cover, fire the laser battery, wait for the ATMs to lock on, and launch during the fall into cover. Take care not to fire them under the 120 m minimum range and apply coolant to stay off the yellow line. Turning and twisting damaged components out of harms way will allow the pilot to get in a few more volleys before being forced to repair.
The ATM3s will likely be ready to fire by the time the jump jets have recharged, allowing for a near constant stream of fire. This is a decent mech for the price and it's common to see them live long enough to be sold at base for a net gain.

Variant F

With a gunload resembling that of a certain popular Solitare variant, but packing substantially more armor and close range punch with its HMGs. Its CERPPC provides fearsome punch at all ranges and its CERSLs dig into wounded components nicely. This Hellhound's versatility is highlighted by its GECM and IJJ giving it tons of options for how it approaches and engages targets, making it a tricky combatant to pin down when coupled with the Hellhound's signature toughness. A powerful generalist that excels at nothing but isn't bad at anything either makes for a flexible mech capable of adapting to a dynamic engagement without need to rearm or rebuy.

Variant G - "Bayonet"

Armed with the mighty HAG20, this mech is capable of putting out some serious damage in the early to mid stages of the game. However, it's true calling and namesake is pairing that at close range with its array of 4 Heavy Small Lasers which in tandem with its main gun are capable of putting serious hurt even on larger mechs. Coupled with the Hellhound's trademark survivability, it has plenty of opportunities to apply it's damage at both short and long ranges. This unit is perhaps must at home when contributing its HAG20 damage to a larger firing line, then breaking off to dive a weakened enemy, and using its armor to return to its own line.


The Hellhound was confirmed for release with update version 0.11.0, notably being the first Clan mech utilizing a Standard Engine.


The 2829 Conjurer (codenamed the Hellhound by the Inner Sphere nations) is a fast, inexpensive medium BattleMech that excels at medium to short range. As befits its status as a second-line 'Mech, the Conjurer uses a Standard engine, though it is constructed on an Endo-Steel chassis and uses eight and a half tons of Ferro-Fibrous armor. Its Jump Jets enable it to leap up to 180 meters at a time. Of note is that the Conjurer is, for all intents and purposes, the Wolverine IIC and was even reported as such by ComStar in early sightings, presumably for its obvious heritage; it was designed off the WVR-7H Wolverine II variant of the original Wolverine, taking the concept and rebuilding it with advanced technology in the fashion of a IIC rebuild. However the Clans would not retain the name of the Not-Named Clan for the redesigned 'Mech.

Year introduced: 2829, during the "Early Succession Wars" era (2781 - 2900)

Unit Role: Skirmisher

BattleTech Reference