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Goblin spin.gif
Class: Tank
Faction Inner Sphere
Ticket cost: 3 upon destruction
Tier: 5
Tonnage: 45 tons

71 km/h (73 km/h with boost)

Turret rotation: 360°
Turret pitch: -8° to +60°
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
Price: 51 100 CBills
Total armor: 31 000
Price: 45 000 CBills
Total armor: 29 160
Price: 43 900 CBills
Total armor: 29 160
Price: 46 500 CBills
Total armor: 29 160
Price: 48 600 CBills
Total armor: 29 160
Price: 50 400 CBills
Total armor: 32 840
Price: 50 200 CBills
Total armor: 29 160
Price: 51 300 CBills
Total armor: 29 160
Armor Points Distribution

All stats current as of release 0.16.1

The Goblin is an Inner Sphere light tank added for the 10.0 release. It's 45 ton provide for quite a punch for the few brawl variants, although it's utility shines the most as fire support asset. Should his Armor come to bear it won't trade for much time - especially if the driver is too occupied with laying suppression fire and neglecting damage sharing over more armor sections. It is one of the first units to feature the new Point Defense System (PDS) that actively suppresses nearby enemy Battle Armor. Every Goblin has a infantry bay that serves as a spawn point and buy zone for Battle Armor. The Goblin can carry up to one Battle Armor passenger in addition to the driver. The driver, however, cannot hold any BA weapons, but can exit the vehicle and purchase weapons if needed.

Note: In the map menu, the Goblin appears as a small blue hexagon spawn point instead of an arrow.

Roles and Gameplay Hints


The Goblin Prime's role in the battlefield is one of support. While your dual LPL can output a lot of damage, the damage comes at a price of heat. The Goblin Prime is not able to handle longer engagements effectively due to overheating issues, and as such should be used in more of a supporting role to compensate, withdrawing before it takes heat damage. The EOptics and LAMS allows for more comfortable engagements at range, allowing for easier aiming and some protection against incoming missiles. The SRM6 is mainly a backup weapon if you are unable to fire your Large Pulse Lasers due to overheating, and should not be relied upon.

Variant A - "Tunnel Rat"

The "Tunnel Rat" is a variant of the Goblin that requires both it's weapons to be used in tandem to be effective. The synergy allows the Tunnel Rat to decrease the accuracy of incoming fire through the screen shake caused by the TBolt5 launchers, while using MPL to damage specific parts of an asset. Against an asset that requires highly accurate shots to be effective, such as Gauss or PPC, this variant can heavily disrupt the effectiveness of said asset. Screen shake is not as detrimental to every asset, and if going against an asset requiring less accuracy, the effectiveness of the Tunnel Rat will decline. Focus on units sniping from the back of a battle to make the best use of it's weapons.

Variant B

The spare ton of ammo will most certainly belong to the hungry UAC10, while quite potent, it is prone to jam just when you seem to need it the most. The single MXPL will never fail you, but they is just too feeble to bear when the UAC10 goes silent. If your opponent is closer than the prescribed 60 meters, the MRM10 missles will fail to explode. This unit is a exemplary fire support tank - proper use will both yield damage and net income to the operator, the single pulse laser is to be viewed as a backup weapon of last resort, or to tip an already full scale - nothing more than that, same applies to the PDS. Try at all times to position your self outside of their range and you will do just well.

Variant C

Engage your EOptics, select your target then unleash a pair of AC5 firing armor-defeating shells. Target the weakest point you can find with your ERLL. Close in to launch the dual SRM2. When BAs show up the PDS will automatically open fire deterring them, put them out of the misery with the ERLL.

Variant D

Fire Support - yes, but this one is doing it the fun way. The two PPC will provide enough screen shake & primary/ secondary splash damage for receiver to regret it. The two LRM5 launchers, if fired in succession, make this asset an 1+2 firing delight due to the timely fashion of their re-firing rate. Zero in on your target with EOptics, let your PDS hassle Battle Armor.

Variant E - "Sandbag"

"Sandbag" is not supposed to be used in brawls. The flamer pair will be efficient only at point blank, while the RAC5 simply can't dish out significant amounts of damage in the time bracket of an typical brawl fight. However, should this unit be used as a second liner or fire support, it's two MRM10 launchers will more than make up with both lots of damage and good cadence of re-fire. Only Two Extra ton of Ammo, so choose wisely. A unit good suited for late joiners.

Variant F

This unit's three ERML are best used as a secondary weapon while the stinging SSRM6 pair alternates between firing and loading as a primary weapon. It will certainly prove wise to break stealth as soon as the SSRM come to bear, to fully utilize their automatic homing to the prey. If fired in timed succession the pair will provide ample time of screen shake to the opponent, denying him a chance to place well aimed hits on who ever he is targeting. In the short siestas the ERML trio can exploit breaches on the victims armor to further the pressure, nearing to the kill. The PDS will come in handy to soften an stray BA, while the SSRM, if fired in passive radar mode, will plant an wide area of sore and hurt for the BA to land into.

Variant G

Who said Light PPCs aren't fun when you house three of them. Should all weapons be fired in successive manner, this unit has the potential to deliver, if not constant screen shake, then at least constant stream of hurt. The two SRM6 will will blast holes into the already weaked armor, adding even more shake. The PDS is handy, as ever, to scare an all too passive BA off. EOptics helps to derermine your plan of attack while two Extra Tons of ammo keep the SRM6s fed.



No one knows where the design concept for the Goblin originated, but it appeared either during the final years of the so-called Age of War or the early first Star League. The Goblin’s production was taken over by Johnston Industries towards the end of the First Succession War.


Instead of mounting a bulky autocannon or cumbersome missile units, the Goblin’s main weapon is a large laser. The energy weapon possesses both good range and firepower without the need to carry ammunition. The BlazeFire Systems Large Laser lacks the long barrel of an autocannon, allowing for a compact turret design that is not hindered by tight quarters. The BlazeFire targeting and tracking system has optional link-ups for the rest of the tank’s three-man crew so that one of them can fire if the gunner becomes disabled, but the MiniGun can only be fired by the driver. The Goblin’s most interesting feature is the Infantry Compartment in the rear of the tank. Large enough to hold seven infantrymen and their equipment or one support weapons team, the compartment is surprisingly spacious and reasonably comfortable. With organic infantry support and a turret design not hindered by a long barrel, the Goblin is an excellent urban combat vehicle.

Battletech Reference - Technical Readout: 3039, p. 58-59, "Goblin Medium Tank" Unit Role: Infantry Transport

Battletech Reference