Madcat MKII

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Madcat MKII
[[Madcat2.jpg | 350px]]
[[Madcat2.jpg | 350px]]
Class: Assault Mech
Faction: Clan
Ticket cost: 13 upon destruction
Tier: {{{Tier}}}
Speed: 64 km/h
Torso yaw: 90°
Torso pitch: -25° to +40° while standing
-24° to +50° while crouching
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
Price: {{{Price Prime}}} CBills
Total armor: 76 984
Engine Size:
{{{Weapons Prime}}} {{{Equip Prime}}}
Armor Points Distribution
4544 Internal +
7573 External
4544 Internal +
7573 External

All stats current as of release 0.15.3

The Madcat MKII is a well-armored Clan Assault Mech with Jump Jets.

The MKII has a limited field of view - the large cockpit will partially obstruct your aim when looking down. Combined with the MKII's low max torso twist angle, it can be very vulnerable to Battle Armor. The MkII is among the fastest Assault Mechs on the field, boasting a top speed of 64 kph, and the only Assault Class Mech in-game with Jump Jets, which provide it surprising maneuverability for its size and firepower. Its armor, while tough, is insufficient for extended brawling.

Roles and Gameplay Hints


The Mad Cat MkII Prime is one of the most versatile and deadly Assault Mechs available to the Clans. Its Primary weapons are a pair of CGauss, able to strike out to 900 meters with precision and devastating firepower. Backing up this lethal pair are two CLRM10, solidifying this Mech as a long-range skirmishing tool. It is, however, also fitted with two CERMBL and two CERSBL, giving it teeth for close range and some capability once out of ammo. Take advantage of this variant's speed and Jump Jets to strike from unexpected directions, and keep your foes at arms reach if possible. When facing one, it is likely to be in a sniping position far from the front, so sneaking up on one is the most successful strategy. Its primary firepower is in the arms, so if in doubt, remove its guns! Unlike the Canon variant, it also packs 2 spare tons of ammo to provide some endurance on the field.

Variant A

The famous "Beat Stick" is one of best close-range units available. Mounting, among other weapons, a pair of CLBX20s, it has enough firepower to heavily damage nearly any unit below 100 meters in a single salvo. In addition to these two massive guns, the A variant also mounts four Heavy Small Lasers, and two HE ATM-6s. Combined with the LBX20s, The MkII A variant is capable of unleashing crippling damage. However, this Mech is slower than most Mechs of lower weight, which makes closing with a target a difficult task. It's also not equipped with any electronic equipment, nor does it allow for additional ammunition, making the A variant highly dependent on teammates for both target information and ammunition. The inclusion of Improved Jump Jets, however, significantly enhances mobility, especially in urban environments. Template:---

Variant B

An alternative brawler to the "Beat Stick", though more directed towards stunning the opponent than quickly damaging it. Two Dual SSRM6 launchers make a powerful punch, severely limiting the accuracy of a target's return fire, especially when the Dual SSRM-6s are stagger-fired. To make matters worse for that target, the MkII B mounts two highly destructive UAC20s, which inflict the majority of the damage to the target. Improved Jump Jets make this variant a highly maneuverable beast, and two extra tons of ammo provide some battlefield endurance. The only significant cons of this model are its severe range and electronics limitations, and the removal of two tons of armor - making it the least well-armored MkII variant, and therefore a considerably softer target.

Variant C

The C variant is geared towards long- and extreme-range fire support, equipped with two CERLLs and two ArrowIV Missile launchers. It is capable of dealing high damage at very long ranges and is also equipped with Jump Jets, which allow it some mobility and enable the use of Poptarting tactics. Four Machine Guns provide some protection from Battle Armor, but are otherwise quite useless against anything else. Four extra tons allow this variant to maintain considerable ammo-independence. The MkII C's most glaring weakness, however, is that its main weapons generate a lot of heat and have long refire rates, making it highly ill-suited for short- to medium-range engagements. In addition to this, the MkII C cannot deal Alpha Strikes, at least not without inflicting significant damage to itself. When attacking a MkII C, it is well-advised to stay at range while moving behind cover, and then sneaking up to engage it at close range where it is nearly incapable of defending itself.

Variant D

A medium- to long-range brawler and support 'Mech, the D variant of the MKII trades out the pair of Gauss Rifles for a pair of Clan ER Large Lasers, somewhat lessening the Mech's ammo-dependence. Though the two ER Large Lasers are excellent for long-range poking, the main firepower of this variant comes from two Standard ATM12s, which are most effective at medium or intermediate range. Feeding these two rather ammo-hungry missile systems are an extra two tons of ammunition, giving the MkII D a little more battlefield endurance. A pair of ER Medium Lasers rounds out this variant's armament, and provides some extra damage for when enemies get under the ATMs' minimum range.

Variant E

Known as the "Siege Engine," this behemoth can inflict heavy damage from around 800 meters. The four CUAC5s can pick apart any component a pilot sets their eyes on. A pair of ATM9s provides considerable damage at intermediate and medium ranges. However, the minimum range of these systems should be noted as anything inside that range will reduce this variant's maximum effectiveness. For enemies that close this range, four Machine Guns offer protection from Battle Armor, but are otherwise relatively useless against anything else. Though the lack of Jump Jets means the MkII E is not nearly as mobile as most other MkII variants, its four tons of extra ammunition allow it significant battlefield endurance.

Variant F

A rather odd variant for a MkII base, the MkII F carries a wide array of weaponry, and is the only variant to mount any specialized electronics equipment. This equipment is the GECM, which allows the Mech to engage in long- to medium-range attacks without being easily noticed. The MkII F variant is armed to the teeth with all sorts of weapons meant for all sorts of ranges: A single CLRM20 softens up enemies from up to one kilometer, while two CLPLs offer excellent damage as the distance begins to close; for when enemies get too close, four Clan ER Small Lasers, two Machine Guns, and one CDSRM6 are more than enough for countering Battle Armor and some light assets. For dealing with larger threats, this Mech should keep near teammates that can more effectively defend it. One-and-a-half additional tons of armor, and two extra tons for ammo ensure the MkII F has better endurance than some of the other MkII variants, but the lack of Jump Jets reduces maneuverability and agility.

Variant G

Geared exclusively for long-range strikes, the MkII G can be a heavy hitter when all its guns come into play. These guns include a single Clan Gauss Rifle, a pair of Clan ER Large Lasers, and a pair of Clan LRM15s. The Gauss Rifle and paired ER Large Lasers are especially lethal when used in precision strikes, as the combination can easily shred through individual components on most light- and medium-weight assets. The two LRM15s offer very strong long-range striking power, and can even be used in brawling at closer ranges due to the Clan LRMs having almost no minimum range. The inclusion of Jump Jets and an extra ton for ammunition - presumably for the Gauss Rifle - offer this variant some degree of maneuverability and endurance. Despite the high amounts of damage the MkII G can dish out at long range, its greatest weakness is, of course, the absence of any close-range means of defense. Because of this, pilots should avoid straying too far from their team's main force, and have some "escort" assets nearby in case of flanking attacks.

Variant Evaluations

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This section contains out-of-date information since the release of version 0.8.5. You may help MWLL Wiki by logging in and updating it.

These charts are supposed to give a rough evaluation on how useful the Variant in question is in different situations, and to show a more visible impression of its strengths and weaknesses.
For an explanation of the terms used visit the Evaluation Charts help page.

Variant vs. Ground vs. Air vs. BA Short Range Med. Range Long Range Extreme Range Support Efficiency


In BattleTech, the Madcat Mark II was developed by Clan Diamond Shark. The design would later be sold to various other Clans (where it was mostly used by freeborn warriors), as well as to many Inner Sphere forces. Its standard variant can reach a maximum speed of 65 kph, and has Jump Jets that allow it to reach a height of 90 meters. Additionally, the standard variant sports two pairs of ER Medium Lasers, unlike MWLL's Prime variant, which features one pair each of ER Small and ER Medium Lasers.

BattleTech Reference