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This Teamwork Guide will show you the basic principles of leading the team to victory. Unlike in most of other games, the Mechwarrior: Living Legends player relies on constant cooperation between team members to maintain a Combined Arms approach, leading to decisive victory against unorganized opponents. In most cases an organized team of newer players can win a match against a disorganized team of veterans, barring any bigger problems.

There are two essential keys that a good team player needs to remember:

  • [u] - for teamchat
  • [right ctrl] - for sharing CBills with teammates

Five rules to begin with

The five most important points you should know about and use in each game you play:

  1. TALK. It's the first and most important step towards teamplay. Hit the [u] key and type, engage other people, report enemy locations. Soon you will find other people do the same.
  2. Don't be afraid to try to initiate teamwork. Be polite and ask for help, but don't try to boss people around. You don't have to lead your team through the entire round, but if you have troubles with one opponent, or you see a group of enemies you cannot defeat without assistance, it shouldn't be a problem to ask for help. You may also ask teammates to gather at given map coordinates (for example: F4) before the attack, or wait for you at spawn point. Most players really like playing together instead of wandering around the map alone -- they just need some help in making that happen.
  3. Look to work with your team first. Do less solo fighting. Gather with teammates and help the frontline. Don't attempt lone flanking maneuvers or charges, or running around the map in search of an enemy that may not exist. Try to pick the units that would be most complimentary to what your team has -- in this way your team will be able to overwhelm the enemy, or at least keep the frontline still instead of being forced backwards.
  4. Share money. This work both ways: asking for money and giving it away (using [right control]). If you have spare money and see that some player just spawned, give him cash (but quickly, before he buys anything), so that he can afford a better unit. If you see someone asking for credits, check your account and send him CBills, if possible. It's better if he would get too much money than none -- he can always share the excess with others. If you are missing 5000 Cbills for a heavier Mech, repairs or ammunition and you are proficient in it, don't be afraid to ask others for money. In most situations there are many players with more than you need. Finally, if you see a player asking who wants cash, don't be afraid to say that you do: sometimes good players use this as a test to see who is worth their attention, and they may not only provide money but also stay nearby, helping a lot.
  5. Know what roles your team needs and don't be afraid to switch to them. Sometimes the enemy team overwhelms your with some tactic. If you know the way to counter it, make use of that knowledge! You will gain more points, and your team will gain an edge. A prime example of this is when the enemy takes to the air -- get into a Partisan AA and clear those skies!

Enemy location, and general battle hints

You can also help your team by reporting the locations of enemy units. But if you want this to be really useful - try to provide accurate data:

  • Always give the location. Saying that you see Mad Cat MKII is useless unless you relay his position -- use your Radar for that. Example: Raven at C5
  • Indicate the unit's role instead of its name. Very often it's more important to say that you spotted a poptarter than that you found a Shadowcat. With the additional knowledge, teammates can apply different tactics (e.g., flanking on passive radar instead of sniping). Example: 2 LRM campers at D4
  • Indicate what variant the enemy was using. On a public server don't use letters, but tell its major weapon. Some Mechs differ so much between variants that simple information about its chassis type is useless. The primary example here would be the Vulture being LRM camper, Sniper or mid-range fighter. Example: LBX Madcat at F6

Of course you should attempt to choose the information that would be most important about enemy. If you see a group of opponents, simply tell that you have multiple contacts at E6 -- this way more of your teammates will head towards the action while being careful not to jump in over their heads.

Intel is probably the single most important thing in organizing a successful attack, so try to use your chat as often as possible. Some players also prefer to stay in one of C3 units throughout the game, giving teammates the chance to locate their opponent long before he knows it. In addition, good intel of the enemy team's location is vital in Terrain Control games, as it will open the door to a member of your team in a fast asset to zip around and capture critical zones, which will simultaneously deny the other team repair and respawn points, while opening those same support structures for your team.

Teamplay is not only for clans

That's a truth many people overlook. You don't have to be a member of clan or unit to have fun in a coordinated team game. Of course some organized units coordinate attacks, but anyone joining their team should always be welcomed with open arms.

On the other hand, the organized units often have a higher level of coordination firstly by knowing each other, and also by using something like TeamSpeak. This VoIP application allows quick and efficient coordination behind the game itself, replacing Crysis' underperforming voice communication. Organized units lead more precise, coordinated attacks to impressive effect, though being a member of one requires much more commitment than does casual gaming. As well, some units may be willing to share their teamchat with select players, or even publicly.
