Factory Entities
Our game mod's strongly depends on building assets ranging from weapons to assault class war machines that fly or crawl across the battlefields of 31st century. To facilitate this we use factories across the map.
The base component of factories as concept is the area shape. A pair of them, at least, are used for each and every factory. Beside Area shapes, some factories require entities - usually GrahpEntities - and those are just bad for game performance - it is highly recommended to enclose them in solids. Those solids can be painted invisible, so they can't be seen in game. Solids are simple and reliable but are simple and thus boring.
Good mappers use solids whenever possible, and GrapEntities as sparingly as achievable. All else are to be Brushes.
Simple spawn point
The simple infantry bunker. One Spawn group, few spawn entities and a single buy area. Only weapons can be bought that spawn in the players hands. There is no Vehicle area. It can be either assigned to *tan* (IS) or *black* (Clan), or left for capture by an AI_tagpoint.
/TODO/image showing it all
Single forward factory
The next step in complexity. All above applies,but an actual factory entity is placed nearby too. The entity can be assigned a 3d art, or used without. If without, it is to be linked to an entity (TODO GrapEntity only?) that will both orient and place the spawned product in the map space. The "body" of the factory has to provide spawn helpers,otherwise separate entities have to be used.
Two area shapes are to be defined - one for the factory buy zone - and the smaller for the actual vehicle spawn area.
Quad forward factory
/TODO/multiple vehicle spawn slot factory
Dropship forward factory
/TODO/ differences for dropships - more solids where and why
Main Hanger bases factory
/TODO/ Maximal factory potential - 8 slots, animated body *.cga with separately animated parts of it (*.anm). even more solids,and occlusion areas to improve performance.
Repair zones
We don't actually have an HUD indicator (yet) for repair zones, as we have for buy zones. In repair zones a shut down vehicle trades it's damage for c-bills. Area shapes define the zone of repair on repair pads, while VehicleAreas define them on factories.
Simple repair pad
The simple repair pad consists of the entity and the area shape. The entity can be assigned an 3d "body". The body can be linked to a capture point, so it can belong to a competing team, or not linked so it's serves any player in need.
Factories repair ability
The factory repair zone is defined by the Vehicle Area shape. /TODO/ image
Mobile repair zone (Repair truck)
Merely a placeholder in case we get one ever :) .
Buy zones
The buy zones of MWLL mod can be finely tuned for particular asset type or class, or, alternatively, a predefined factory type:
defMechHanger defVtolPad defAeroHanger
If the predefined factory type is used, the fine tuning of the available assets does not apply.
Air strip
The airstrip has to be a buy zone for the ASF assets to be able to replenish ammunition. They will be able to repair there as well.
Mobile buy zone (APC)
In the buy zone of the APC one can by weapons and ammunition only.
Factory buy zones
The factory buy zone is one that can be tuned the most. For the clean tech game mode,one does not need to alternate IS and CL tech, it is done elsewhere, it suffices to define the classes regardless of faction.