Map Editing
Map making is a complex topic. Numerous artists send work hours down the so called "pipeline" to produce an actual map. To make the topic easier to understand it is good to familiarize with the tools needed before actual hard work is being done.
Here we will cover:
- tools and operations
- endorsed art and alien art
- setup and usage
For streamlined deployment of any new created map, following guidelines are to be obeyed:
The map is to be named by game type, own name and version tag:
So it is obvious to the game server administrator, that a newer (or older) map is in question.
this is an easy tool you can use in order to generate a manifest for the map (filelist.xml). This is used by the map autodownloader so it can check the downloaded map.
How to use it: - Export the map to the directory it's gonna be run from (e.g. Levels/Multiplayer/TC/TC_Foo_V01) - Remove unnecessary files (e.g. cry source file) - Run the tool, click on Browse and select that directory - Click on Generate Manifest, then click on Save Manifest. Just save it in the same path where the map is saved(edited)
--there might be more guidelines to follow--
Endorsed Art
Endorsed art, or, assets that exist in the game already. Optimized, tested and familiar objects that work. Compact map download size. Least overtime to map completion. There are many reasons to opt for endorsed art only in a map/level.
Moreover, experienced mappers are already familiar with the quite extensive library of assets in the sandbox2 editor and didn't even had the chance to try all out, let alone dry the ideas of whats possible and at hand.
1. Tools
2. Setup
3. Art Creation
Alien Art
By the sole nature of this mod, it depends of an certain pool of assets that share little in common with the original game.
Inherent to the way of the development of this mod, some of the key assets may still be missing.Meanwhile some others, maybe will come into consideration.
Here we will deal with importing assets that are not already in the Game and Sandbox2 editor. Those that are Alien to the installed files
1. Tools
3. Test Flight
4. Tutorials