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Revision as of 02:51, 15 August 2017 by DragonGod004 (talk | contribs)
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Class: Light
Faction Community Manager
Ticket cost:
Speed: 90 km/h (120 km/h with MASC)
Torso rotation: 300°
Troso pitch: -75° to +80° while standing
-65° to +85° while crouching
Variant Armament
Variant Weapons Equipment
100,000 CBills
Total base armor: 100,000


| Image =300px
| Name =In Game Name
| Class =One of: Light/Medium/Heavy/Assault
| Faction =One of: Inner Sphere/Clan
| Tickets =Number only
| Speed =Number only
| SpeedWithMasc =Number only
| Rotation =Number only
| PitchStand =minimum° to maximum°
| PitchCrouch =minimum° to maximum°

| Prime = * Weapon
| Price = Price of prime, number only
| ArmorT Prime = Total Armor*, number only
| Prime Equip = * Equipment
| A = * Weapon
| PriceA = Price of A, number only
| ArmorT A= Total Armor*, number only
| A Equip = * Equipment
| B = * Weapon
| PriceB = Price of B, number only
| ArmorT B= Total Armor*, number only
| B Equip = * Equipment
| C = * Weapon
| PriceC = Price of C, number only
| ArmorT C= Total Armor*, number only
| C Equip = * Equipment
| D = * Weapon
| PriceD = Price of D, number only
| ArmorT D= Total Armor*, number only
| D Equip = * Equipment
| E = * Weapon
| PriceE = Price of E, number only
| ArmorT E= Total Armor*, number only
| E Equip = * Equipment

| Armor CT = Center torso armor, number only
| Armor LRT = Left and right torso armor if symmetrical, number only
| Armor LT = Left torso armor if asymmetrical, number only
| Armor RT = Right torso armor if asymmetrical, number only
| Armor LRA = Left and right arm armor, number only
| Armor LRL= Left and right leg armor, number only
| Armor H = Head armor, number only
| Armor B = Back armor, number only
| Armor LE = Left external armor, number only (use only if all variants have external pods)
| Armor RE = Right external armor, number only (use only if all variants have external pods)


  • Use proper name for Class and Faction as these are used for categorization of Mechs.
  • Image should be Prime variant on white background
  • * Total Armor - sum of armor points for components minus the external pods armor (to avoid confusion between variants with and without external pods)
  • Use either Armor LRT for symmetrically, or both Armor LT and Armor RT for asymmetrically armored mechs

Flownode infobox testing