An Alternative Game Advance Guide

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Game Advance Guide

There are quite few ways to advance thru the game.

We will consider here one based on least ticket cost per asset. And not only that, we try to discuss each asset and try customize it in such a way (yes no mechlab here) to take most advance of it's fire power, heat capacity and fire discipline. And all this for the usual scroll wheel mouse (they aptly named three button mouse).


To the actual game effect, performance is absolutely crucial.
For even marginal playability, your system and setup has to break 22-26 FPS. If You can't afford to upgrade above that, just forget about any brawling or skirmishing - stay back,and rely on long range guided weapons only.
For true,respect worthy brawling, one has to break 60 FPS, and have no dips below 45FPS at no time. Ever. If You choke - you'll die.
I'm a sucker for eye candy, but when playing, I opt for performance - thus i use low quality high FPS user.cfg file
/TODO/post file
key thing is - set everything to low (1) and only water to medium (2) so it be transparent.
further 10-15FPS is gained by the rest of the file - really low quality setting tho.

The Wheel Mouse

Despite of the majorities firm belief, the typical wheel mouse can have 5 (five) actions bound to it's sensors:

  1. left mouse button (button number 1)
  2. right mouse button (button number 2)
  3. wheel press (button number 3)
  4. wheel roll forward (button number 4)
  5. wheel roll backward (button number 5)

this allows for binding no less than 5 (five) weapon groups on the regular wheeled mouse.

But we will use only 3 here - and make for 1-2-3 firing discipline.

1-2-3 firing discipline

1-2-3 is usually referred to mechs with energy weapons in group one, ballistic weapon(s) in group two, and missiles in group three, but as long as we deal with three groups of weapons, we might consider the asset a 1-2-3 firing discipline asset.

1-2-3 firing discipline means that any of the groups should be fired only if certain condition are met, and not wildly and without any knowledge or attention.
Grouping is done by either Window of Engagement, range, heat produced, rate of fire (or spin up), some other key factor.

Lets consider now the factors that need be met for a group to be fired:

  1. target is likely to be hit (on aim, or on aim with due precesion)
  2. target is in range of the groups main weapons
  3. weapons are ready for firing (ammo is non zero, weapons are jam free, weapons are present)
  4. heat capacity can handle firing the group

All of sudden, it's not just point and click any more, isn't it? It seems You're a good Mech-Warrior material after all, eh?
So, lets consider here the well known Awesome assault class mech, variant G (G stands here for Graveyard, not Gladiator, although it is more renowned by it's popular nick "The Nutcracker") Where do we put each of it's dreadful RAC's and PPCs?

  1. left arm PPC to the group 1 (left mouse button)
  2. right ram PPC to the group 2 (right mouse button)
  3. both RAC5s to the group 3 (middle mouse button - wheel press)

why? While in partial cover, one can avoid firing the occluded PPC this way (to not-self PPC it self), and wait until it is off cover to fire it.
If fired at just the right delay, the two PPC can keep the(single) enemy disoriented just long enough for the RAC5 to recover from a full jam.
The RAC5 can fire continuously, from spin up to full jam, just enough for one PPC to come online, if the where both fired at fore mentioned delay.
This in effect means, the Nutcracker is capable to deliver an constant stream of Insult and injury 700 meters down to hugging distance. Provided the RAC5 reloads are ducked in cover.
This also suggests it is quite vulnerable to anything but a sole or isolated target - so "Never alone" still applies here.

Least Tier Advancing

For the player to really succeed in this, awareness is the most valuable feat. To be aware of the chosen unit's most weakness and strength. And last not least, to be aware of his/her chances to flee or stand the ground. As it happens, each Tier has a Mech outstanding in it, here we will pick one at some tiers, and try make our progression thru the game with them.

Osiris C

Tier 1
Weapon grouping:

  1. 3x SLBL
  2. PPC
  3. SRM6

Use stealth, preferably at night, open the duel with the PPC to maximize disorientation, the most punch is in the LRM6 launcher, so close in that it can bear, the 3SBL, while not quite potent, add to the damage, fire often and can quite make the difference of life or death, so don't spare them no slack!

Chimera C

Tier 5
Weapon Grouping:

  1. 4x SBL
  2. PPC
  3. MRM40

This one requires for nerves of steel - it's main punch lies in the tricky MRM40 - so powerful blow, yet so tricky land. Just avoid shooting any moving targets, or at least those moving across. Those can be shoot at with group 1, eventually group 2. Once in a while each opponent runs across an stopping obstacle or just needs to stop for whatever reason - that's the instant where the MRM40 launcher comes to shine, or for the unsuspecting opening blow. Most of damage inflicted is usually by the 4x SBL, and an occasional PPC volley.

Uziel C

In the 54k spawn bracket, the Uziel is the more maneuverable one and the Bushwacker the more armored (and a ticket more expensive to loose to the team)
Tier 6
Weapon Grouping:


Weapon Grouping:


Weapon Grouping:


Weapon Grouping:


Weapon Grouping:


Weapon Grouping:


Weapon Grouping:


Weapon Grouping:


Weapon Grouping:


Weapon Grouping:


Weapon Grouping:
